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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight554 BTS
Lifetime fees paid24,226 BTS
Cashback/vesting19.44 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 555 0
CNY 5.14 0
BRICS 169,015,670 169,015,670
SOLCERT 15,020 15,020
TRANS.DAO 7.42 0
BADCOIN 10,000 0
XBTSX.STH 0.0112 0
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
4389579d sent 0.0112 XBTSX.STH to
0416565a withdraw 578 BTS from vesting
76e5b4cc wants 60,080 BTS for 15,020 SOLCERT
68f912a8 sent 16,395 BTS to
18e3636d cancel order
b1bbde3c cancel order
6b762910 paid 790 BTS for 1,294 SOLCERT
42b8c966 paid 249 BTS for 408 SOLCERT
edf20c73 wants 666,100 BTS for 13,322 SOLCERT
a9b5f6a9 cancel order
542d206d wants 399,660 BTS for 13,322 SOLCERT
d6b9ccb3 wants 600,000 BTS for 60,000,000 BRICS
9bb2495e wants 654,094 BTS for 109,015,670 BRICS
4e89b311 cancel order
1b6890b9 wants 545,078 BTS for 109,015,670 BRICS
cbfff35f cancel order
e584064e cancel order
09dda717 cancel order
3a59203b cancel order
3e447470 cancel order
2075219b cancel order
a8cb4972 cancel order
7f42ab06 cancel order
fd23710c cancel order
7fd7b419 cancel order
434cacc5 cancel order
dd1caa41 cancel order
3adea786 cancel order
ead22c30 cancel order
9afef334 cancel order
98185d36 cancel order
eae3abd6 cancel order
56201574 cancel order
66583072 cancel order
f1b580c0 cancel order
7649fd25 cancel order
fd627570 cancel order
f01c0385 cancel order
bf77c137 cancel order
c8a318c2 cancel order
a89ca08d cancel order
179b2e47 wants 57,857 BTS for 11,571,485 BRICS
bd456fd9 wants 100,000 BTS for 25,000,000 BRICS
0e1609c7 wants 75,000 BTS for 25,000,000 BRICS
f3fd6a0d wants 50,000 BTS for 25,000,000 BRICS
ffa8a0f0 wants 10,000 BTS for 5,000,000 BRICS
02e6d7e5 paid 100 BTS for 50,000,000 BRICS
64fa5d1b cancel order
bf8554f4 cancel order
3ae900bf cancel order
2828d9d8 cancel order
5c8d2355 wants 8,196 SOLCERT for 5,000 BTS
df0b42d6 paid 40 BTS for 19,999,000 BRICS
5ae76580 paid 1.8 BTS for 900,000 BRICS
e3ec94ad paid 19.7 BTS for 9,851,750 BRICS
544a1e58 sent 200,000 BTS to
1bf3c7fa update account/votes
47da1fd3 cancel order
55cdcd4f wants 1,998,300 BTS for 13,322 SOLCERT
a9db7782 wants 10,800 BTS for 3,000,000 BRICS
7e92b002 wants 9,200 BTS for 2,000,000 BRICS
4641c160 wants 11,200 BTS for 2,000,000 BRICS
a6e916b0 wants 13,200 BTS for 2,000,000 BRICS
b72ee9fc wants 15,200 BTS for 2,000,000 BRICS
74253114 wants 17,200 BTS for 2,000,000 BRICS
1e5293fc wants 19,200 BTS for 2,000,000 BRICS
08be1aaf wants 864 BTS for 90,000 BRICS
b9a8d6f3 wants 882 BTS for 90,000 BRICS
2fdfe20e wants 8,820 BTS for 90,000 BRICS
c8eb3ec8 wants 6,160 BTS for 70,000 BRICS
8f3b3843 wants 3,900 BTS for 50,000 BRICS
d56affaf wants 3,400 BTS for 50,000 BRICS
9172a01d wants 100 TRANS.DAO for 3,600 BTS
virtual paid 3,600 BTS for 100 TRANS.DAO
0757ce36 wants 278 TRANS.DAO for 10,000 BTS
virtual paid 10,000 BTS for 278 TRANS.DAO
049f958b wants 13,859 BTS for 326 CNY
virtual paid 326 CNY for 13,859 BTS
5208a252 adjust collateral by -227,079 BTS, debt by -2,000 CNY
0e50483e wants 977 CNY for 44,000 BTS
virtual paid 33,236 BTS for 738 CNY
virtual paid 10,763 BTS for 239 CNY
607a69e0 cancel order
db91d3f0 wants 1,243 CNY for 56,000 BTS
virtual paid 43,966 BTS for 999 CNY
virtual paid 12,034 BTS for 267 CNY
3cd0a609 wants 999 CNY for 43,966 BTS
a1d37244 adjust collateral by -99,669 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
4e929bb5 paid 20 BTS for 10,000,000 BRICS
935a5274 paid 21.76 BTS for 10,881,956 BRICS
a7923d1a cancel order
968f67de cancel order
a8767834 paid 2,200 BTS for 2,000 SOLCERT
virtual paid 2,200 BTS for 2,000 SOLCERT
1de15dfc wants 2,000 SOLCERT for 2,200 BTS
12169201 wants 2,000 SOLCERT for 2,200 BTS
9a0dd071 wants 1,125,000 BTS for 4,500 TRANS.DAO
65e7a91a cancel order
6656b9bf wants 112,000 BTS for 700 TRANS.DAO
ebea5555 wants 758 TRANS.DAO for 25,000 BTS
virtual paid 25,000 BTS for 758 TRANS.DAO
9de657fd wants 675,000 BTS for 4,500 TRANS.DAO
f07595d5 wants 5,625 TRANS.DAO for 180,000 BTS
virtual paid 180,000 BTS for 5,625 TRANS.DAO
virtual paid 79,681 BTS for 2,000 CNY
533808b9 cancel order
42517bfb cancel order
3e919577 cancel order
38ab0380 cancel order
9512d4b0 wants 44,500 CNY for 50,000 BTS
3e9d8f7e wants 45,000 CNY for 50,000 BTS
0e60663a wants 48,500 CNY for 50,000 BTS
a1de1165 wants 49,000 CNY for 50,000 BTS
9e714aa4 wants 50,000 CNY for 50,000 BTS
67ed7352 wants 31,726 BTS for 1,000 CNY
virtual paid 1,000 CNY for 31,726 BTS
d5b9ab2b wants 29,357 BTS for 925 CNY
virtual paid 925 CNY for 29,357 BTS
eb7e0ef8 adjust collateral by 203,215 BTS, debt by 2,000 CNY
f11ce899 adjust collateral by 203,215 BTS, debt by 2,000 CNY
c5de788c wants 40,025 BTS for 5,003,093 BRICS
00b608b9 wants 45,028 BTS for 5,003,093 BRICS
5059637e sent 30,000 BTS to
03ab0bbf adjust collateral by -237,323 BTS, debt by -2,500 CNY
9df818b6 wants 2,500 CNY for 67,385 BTS
virtual paid 67,385 BTS for 2,501 CNY
e7d7b6c0 cancel order
9f8985f1 wants 2,500 CNY for 67,204 BTS
ac6f9acb cancel order
8a07e458 wants 2,500 CNY for 67,367 BTS
virtual paid 76,923 BTS for 3,000 CNY
c1db29d5 withdraw 71.3 BTS from vesting
b7bf14b3 adjust collateral by -275,040 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
8215c17f sent 5,000 BTS to
3192a7db sent 5,000 BTS to
bc66a72d update account/votes
a198b3ab adjust collateral by -199,635 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
1c3b2410 update account/votes
fb4c9f87 paid 30.8 BTS for 15,384,964 BRICS
97af7942 withdraw 131.6 BTS from vesting
b4093f8a sent 20 BTS to
13f247a9 update account/votes
a7e1296e cancel order
831ae0a2 cancel order
0000489f cancel order
36ad2863 cancel order
07930fe1 wants 2,340,000 BTS for 2,600,000 BRICS
8519dbc8 wants 1,000,000 BRICS for 50 BTS
virtual paid 50 BTS for 1,000,000 BRICS
64363647 wants 11,111,111 BRICS for 100 BTS
b62ed67b cancel order
baa0f963 cancel order
e1188d19 wants 100,000,000 BRICS for 500 BTS
f8aeffd6 wants 11,111,111 BRICS for 100 BTS
e9a65e08 wants 124,000,000 BRICS for 248 BTS
b8728564 wants 124,000,000 BRICS for 248 BTS
1cf7d3ca wants 99,000,000 BRICS for 49.5 BTS
1d7ad485 wants 99,000,000 BRICS for 49.5 BTS
8137fc6f wants 1,000,000 BRICS for 50 BTS
virtual paid 50 BTS for 1,000,000 BRICS
73c4cef7 wants 4,819,400 BTS for 16,064,667 BRICS
0345a913 wants 1,000,000 BTS for 33,333,333 BRICS
4673d233 wants 33,333,333 BRICS for 100 BTS
83a16626 wants 100,000,000 BRICS for 200 BTS
408f7ad1 upgrade account
b4b992cd adjust collateral by 96,488 BTS, debt by 1,000 CNY
da2554a7 cancel order
80a3707d wants 55,000 BTS for 1,155 CNY
275dad5c adjust collateral by 22,433 BTS, debt by 1,200 CNY
56ef0eac wants 26,147 BTS for 570 CNY
virtual paid 570 CNY for 26,147 BTS
491db560 cancel order
41bbcde4 paid 20.3 CNY for 1,068 BTS
b8c15b30 wants 31,053 BTS for 590 CNY
5b4d6151 adjust collateral by 84,240 BTS, debt by 600 CNY
47c0a876 create asset PEPSI
e40a9bdb wants 448 BTS for 10 CNY
virtual paid 10 CNY for 448 BTS
d1c857d4 wants 360 BTS for 9 BOTSCNY
virtual paid 9 BOTSCNY for 360 BTS
bdad9ccb cancel order
161c3340 wants 3,000 CNY for 50,000 BTS
4a94a400 wants 29,619 BTS for 699 CNY
virtual paid 699 CNY for 29,745 BTS