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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight2.296 BTS
Lifetime fees paid3.52 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 2.296 0
BRIDGE.XBI 4.06 4.06
BRIDGE.MARC 0.001043 0
virtual cancel order
12170440 sent 11.05 BRIDGE.VITAE to
0a1f4a7e cancel order
2976a757 wants 0.00107 BRIDGE.BTC for 11.05 BRIDGE.VITAE
53b5e923 issue 11.05 BRIDGE.VITAE to
881a7f7b sent 14.14 BRIDGE.VITAE to
d2f8fac9 cancel order
ad94ed6e wants 0.001555 BRIDGE.BTC for 14.14 BRIDGE.VITAE
a3a78a12 sent 10.03 BRIDGE.VITAE to
65d9c72e cancel order
5c3c043e wants 0.000532 BRIDGE.BTC for 10.03 BRIDGE.VITAE
559a28ce sent 0.00711 BRIDGE.BTC to
ce50fcd0 cancel order
1b72f2c3 wants 81.7 BRIDGE.VITAE for 0.00711 BRIDGE.BTC
02061fb2 cancel order
12c021e9 wants 82.6 BRIDGE.VITAE for 0.00711 BRIDGE.BTC
72bbc99f cancel order
061ec378 wants 82.6 BRIDGE.VITAE for 0.00711 BRIDGE.BTC
a7bd9d08 cancel order
2dc804cd wants 83 BRIDGE.VITAE for 0.00711 BRIDGE.BTC
2590837b cancel order
d3aed503 wants 83.3 BRIDGE.VITAE for 0.00711 BRIDGE.BTC
d2307c43 cancel order
c7723f43 wants 85.1 BRIDGE.VITAE for 0.00711 BRIDGE.BTC
be2b6faa cancel order
4ca0e943 sent 8.03 BRIDGE.VITAE to
3484851b cancel order
da1397ea wants 0.000823 BRIDGE.BTC for 8.23 BRIDGE.VITAE
b8f05ac7 cancel order
eb180cf7 wants 96.6 BRIDGE.VITAE for 0.00711 BRIDGE.BTC
043f796c cancel order
e75d1fbe wants 161.6 BRIDGE.VITAE for 0.00711 BRIDGE.BTC
ded165c4 cancel order
6765069c wants 94 BRIDGE.VITAE for 0.00711 BRIDGE.BTC
36f6cf9c cancel order
e23640e7 paid 2.06 BRIDGE.VITAE for 0.0002102 BRIDGE.BTC
b46c9b3a wants 0.00105 BRIDGE.BTC for 10.3 BRIDGE.VITAE
e180d9bb cancel order
17cd149c wants 0.00107 BRIDGE.BTC for 10.3 BRIDGE.VITAE
dc0a8555 cancel order
753549f8 wants 0.00109 BRIDGE.BTC for 10.3 BRIDGE.VITAE
97d9950d cancel order
390e65c0 wants 0.0011 BRIDGE.BTC for 10.3 BRIDGE.VITAE
402d89fd wants 156.8 BRIDGE.VITAE for 0.0069 BRIDGE.BTC
d64f37ac cancel order
4f7fa4f9 paid 11.02 BRIDGE.VITAE for 0.000937 BRIDGE.BTC
208a17a1 wants 0.000937 BRIDGE.BTC for 11.02 BRIDGE.VITAE
112680bc cancel order
7d0ca5cb wants 0.001102 BRIDGE.BTC for 11.02 BRIDGE.VITAE
9d9dcfd7 wants 135.5 BRIDGE.VITAE for 0.00596 BRIDGE.BTC
5a3d89b9 cancel order
23bd2666 wants 0.000765 BRIDGE.BTC for 10.55 BRIDGE.VITAE
virtual paid 10.55 BRIDGE.VITAE for 0.000765 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
95d044df cancel order
21ccc166 wants 121 BRIDGE.VITAE for 0.0052 BRIDGE.BTC
8e065bfc cancel order
41530408 wants 0.000886 BRIDGE.BTC for 10.55 BRIDGE.VITAE
d818e392 wants 123.8 BRIDGE.VITAE for 0.0052 BRIDGE.BTC
03a9566f cancel order
63ab2c2e paid 11.7 BRIDGE.VITAE for 0.00117 BRIDGE.BTC
fa4f4f72 wants 0.00117 BRIDGE.BTC for 11.7 BRIDGE.VITAE
d291ebc1 cancel order
c735fc9c wants 0.001286 BRIDGE.BTC for 11.7 BRIDGE.VITAE
d4195612 wants 96 BRIDGE.VITAE for 0.00403 BRIDGE.BTC
9b8a65dc cancel order
88589b94 paid 11.6 BRIDGE.VITAE for 0.000731 BRIDGE.BTC
f8303714 wants 0.000731 BRIDGE.BTC for 11.6 BRIDGE.VITAE
1f5a5b7a wants 78.7 BRIDGE.VITAE for 0.00331 BRIDGE.BTC
cadce263 paid 56.1 BRIDGE.VITAE for 0.00331 BRIDGE.BTC
b49e5c5b wants 0.00331 BRIDGE.BTC for 56.1 BRIDGE.VITAE
0d7c3b1a cancel order
9809ef07 wants 0.00337 BRIDGE.BTC for 56.1 BRIDGE.VITAE
5f45338a cancel order
fc0ef7eb wants 0.00382 BRIDGE.BTC for 56.1 BRIDGE.VITAE
7e7a150b cancel order
a889cf72 wants 0.00387 BRIDGE.BTC for 56.1 BRIDGE.VITAE
d9ab6cb1 cancel order
bcf9b5eb wants 0.00387 BRIDGE.BTC for 56.1 BRIDGE.VITAE
35cdb2aa cancel order
c0467c76 wants 0.00393 BRIDGE.BTC for 56.1 BRIDGE.VITAE
ae51dcc1 cancel order
a9c13133 wants 0.00393 BRIDGE.BTC for 56.1 BRIDGE.VITAE
40c5db5e cancel order
48510eb8 cancel order
fe3553de wants 0.00322 BRIDGE.BTC for 46 BRIDGE.VITAE
ec947105 paid 0.001937 BRIDGE.BTC for 46.1 BRIDGE.VITAE
47c934ab wants 0.000758 BRIDGE.BTC for 10.1 BRIDGE.VITAE
6ecebb84 wants 46.1 BRIDGE.VITAE for 0.001937 BRIDGE.BTC
8e908b10 wants 0.000399 BRIDGE.BTC for 6.6 BRIDGE.VITAE
virtual paid 6.6 BRIDGE.VITAE for 0.000399 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
efe99570 cancel order
7f8f8bdd cancel order
40c8c428 sent 5 BTS to
e8563bd5 wants 10 BTS for 0.000121 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.000121 BRIDGE.BTC for 10 BTS
44a9c3b6 cancel order
7bc9dd44 wants 10 BTS for 0.000119 BRIDGE.BTC
3639ec49 wants 0.000634 BRIDGE.BTC for 10.48 BRIDGE.VITAE
virtual paid 10.48 BRIDGE.VITAE for 0.000634 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
54f577d2 wants 0.000606 BRIDGE.BTC for 6.59 BRIDGE.VITAE
1173621c wants 24.45 BRIDGE.VITAE for 0.001027 BRIDGE.BTC
1c87c080 paid 0.00075 BRIDGE.VITAE for 0.00000006 BRIDGE.BTC
fc7ac3d7 paid 12.87 BRIDGE.VITAE for 0.00103 BRIDGE.BTC
3f49b1f0 wants 0.00103 BRIDGE.BTC for 12.88 BRIDGE.VITAE
bfbcf191 paid 0.000474 BRIDGE.BTC for 7.3 BRIDGE.VITAE
virtual paid 0.000337 BRIDGE.BTC for 5.62 BRIDGE.VITAE
7cb20c43 wants 7.3 BRIDGE.VITAE for 0.000474 BRIDGE.BTC
4bfad494 paid 5.29 BRIDGE.VITAE for 0.000476 BRIDGE.BTC
79644515 wants 0.000476 BRIDGE.BTC for 5.29 BRIDGE.VITAE
cf5d5f7d wants 5.62 BRIDGE.VITAE for 0.000337 BRIDGE.BTC
18aab9ba paid 4.19 BRIDGE.VITAE for 0.000335 BRIDGE.BTC
cfddfceb wants 0.000335 BRIDGE.BTC for 4.19 BRIDGE.VITAE
4eea0e05 wants 0.00000352 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.399 BRIDGE.MARC
virtual paid 0.398 BRIDGE.MARC for 0.00000352 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
28af4891 wants 0.000132 BRIDGE.BTC for 4.06 BRIDGE.XBI
be7da057 paid 0.0000978 BRIDGE.BTC for 4.08 BRIDGE.XBI
1697caa2 wants 4.08 BRIDGE.XBI for 0.0000978 BRIDGE.BTC
67d43852 paid 0.994 BRIDGE.MARC for 0.0000983 BRIDGE.BTC
e8ac265f wants 0.0000983 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.994 BRIDGE.MARC
c69411ec sent 139.6 BRIDGE.CFL to