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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.1604 BTS
Lifetime fees paid14.14 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 0.1783 0
BRIDGE.BCO 0.0000071 0
BRIDGE.BTC 0.001338 0
DEEX 0.0014 0
BRIDGE.GBX 1,976 890
BRIDGE.POLIS 0.0000042 0
BRIDGE.GIN 0.00000784 0
DONGFENG 0.002 0
BRIDGE.MANO 0.2016 0
NOBLE 0.0002 0
XBTSX.STH 0.122 0
BRIDGE.IFP 0.0000193 0
BRIDGE.ADN 0.000094 0
BRIDGE.GTM 0.0000001 0
BRIDGE.SMK 0.0000096 0
BRIDGE.LGS 0.000006 0
BRIDGE.TRAID 0.000674 0
BRIDGE.CCC 0.0000073 0
BRIDGE.FOX 0.0000248 0
BRIDGE.SINS 0.0000116 0
BRIDGE.MARC 0.0000208 0
BRIDGE.PCR 0.00001474 0
XBTSX.XBB 0.000025 0
0224f6b8 cancel order
2136fe9c wants 0.00473 BRIDGE.BTC for 970 BRIDGE.GBX
fc4c2ede cancel order
7a37dbbe sent 0.0413 BRIDGE.BTC to
85e570bb cancel order
188ef652 wants 0.0217 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,086 BRIDGE.GBX
8de92f67 wants 0.01543 BRIDGE.BTC for 890 BRIDGE.GBX
398e5053 paid 0.02214 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,980 BRIDGE.GBX
ae23b6d5 wants 1,980 BRIDGE.GBX for 0.02214 BRIDGE.BTC
d4925d6a cancel order
1b8c8f16 paid 728 BRIDGE.GBX for 0.01415 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
2d41e919 wants 1,980 BRIDGE.GBX for 0.0221 BRIDGE.BTC
0de72192 paid 176.5 BRIDGE.GBX for 0.00343 BRIDGE.BTC
f8fb2877 paid 148 BRIDGE.GBX for 0.00288 BRIDGE.BTC
0f911dc9 paid 36.1 BRIDGE.GBX for 0.000702 BRIDGE.BTC
fb87de45 wants 0.02116 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,088 BRIDGE.GBX
2d67936c cancel order
1070e300 wants 0.02018 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,088 BRIDGE.GBX
625a4227 cancel order
1909debb wants 7,150 BRIDGE.RVN for 0.0435 BRIDGE.BTC
f5328929 cancel order
791b9726 wants 7,100 BRIDGE.RVN for 0.0435 BRIDGE.BTC
69e0070d cancel order
db948c05 wants 7,140 BRIDGE.RVN for 0.0436 BRIDGE.BTC
aff6b63d cancel order
440782b3 paid 0.00529 BRIDGE.BTC for 395 BRIDGE.GBX
baf9a665 wants 7,100 BRIDGE.RVN for 0.0434 BRIDGE.BTC
0f607f67 cancel order
90617606 wants 7,300 BRIDGE.RVN for 0.0431 BRIDGE.BTC
dd380769 cancel order
612ffacc wants 395 BRIDGE.GBX for 0.00529 BRIDGE.BTC
e6733357 cancel order
04768538 paid 0.00571 BRIDGE.BTC for 411 BRIDGE.GBX
a4b7c606 wants 806 BRIDGE.GBX for 0.0112 BRIDGE.BTC
0e51de37 cancel order
e59e35f7 wants 806 BRIDGE.GBX for 0.01116 BRIDGE.BTC
b5bf03fe cancel order
27dc40d3 wants 6.03 BRIDGE.GBX for 0.0000858 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0000858 BRIDGE.BTC for 6.03 BRIDGE.GBX
2f67ef06 wants 58 BRIDGE.GBX for 0.00082 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00082 BRIDGE.BTC for 58 BRIDGE.GBX
182a9daf wants 806 BRIDGE.GBX for 0.01108 BRIDGE.BTC
344286fe cancel order
f8911dee wants 806 BRIDGE.GBX for 0.01096 BRIDGE.BTC
5d7e075e cancel order
67b2af40 wants 806 BRIDGE.GBX for 0.0108 BRIDGE.BTC
ddbee47b cancel order
38f3cf81 wants 18.1 BRIDGE.GBX for 0.0002536 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0000839 BRIDGE.BTC for 6.17 BRIDGE.GBX
virtual paid 0.0000845 BRIDGE.BTC for 6.12 BRIDGE.GBX
virtual paid 0.0000852 BRIDGE.BTC for 6.08 BRIDGE.GBX
6577f5b4 wants 4.35 BRIDGE.GBX for 0.0000583 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0000583 BRIDGE.BTC for 4.35 BRIDGE.GBX
5cb58eb2 wants 806 BRIDGE.GBX for 0.0105 BRIDGE.BTC
b5183733 cancel order
60bb519b wants 806 BRIDGE.GBX for 0.01028 BRIDGE.BTC
743ab968 cancel order
5c64ab7e wants 806 BRIDGE.GBX for 0.01024 BRIDGE.BTC
2e93967d cancel order
9fdacb37 wants 5,600 BRIDGE.RVN for 0.0321 BRIDGE.BTC
e3c4635d wants 1,806 BRIDGE.GBX for 0.02297 BRIDGE.BTC
71ee386b cancel order
fb9f5546 wants 806 BRIDGE.GBX for 0.01613 BRIDGE.BTC
676ebc5c cancel order
2eed445f wants 806 BRIDGE.GBX for 0.01452 BRIDGE.BTC
8e011ec5 cancel order
d244a091 wants 806 BRIDGE.GBX for 0.0186 BRIDGE.BTC
6494ebe6 cancel order
8b0dd2b8 wants 806 BRIDGE.GBX for 0.01613 BRIDGE.BTC
bbe49c6a cancel order
4d2a3630 wants 806 BRIDGE.GBX for 0.01425 BRIDGE.BTC
c0cf640a cancel order
3b170d9b wants 806 BRIDGE.GBX for 0.01376 BRIDGE.BTC
22af3ade cancel order
9291bbce wants 805 BRIDGE.GBX for 0.01096 BRIDGE.BTC
9822b55a cancel order
c9126ce5 wants 805 BRIDGE.GBX for 0.0121 BRIDGE.BTC
669e8d56 wants 0.0162 BRIDGE.BTC for 810 BRIDGE.GBX
virtual paid 38.6 BRIDGE.GBX for 0.000772 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 27.6 BRIDGE.GBX for 0.000552 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 744 BRIDGE.GBX for 0.01488 BRIDGE.BTC
8f4a6ad9 sent 0.02294 BRIDGE.BTC to
c24b1625 wants 0.0347 BRIDGE.BTC for 253.4 BRIDGE.POLIS
virtual paid 28.84 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00396 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 3.66 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.000502 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 70.1 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00962 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 150.8 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.02066 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
9b77aceb cancel order
7925cb16 wants 0.042 BRIDGE.BTC for 253.4 BRIDGE.POLIS
304d0b61 sent 0.0803 BRIDGE.BTC to
eafac7d1 cancel order
0196cf5e wants 6,855 BRIDGE.RVN for 0.08 BRIDGE.BTC
1c91b2f3 wants 0.002127 BRIDGE.BTC for 12.57 BRIDGE.POLIS
virtual paid 12.57 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.002127 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
485f04f4 wants 0.0077 BRIDGE.BTC for 45.2 BRIDGE.POLIS
virtual paid 45.2 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.0077 BRIDGE.BTC
8ab616a3 wants 0.00876 BRIDGE.BTC for 51.1 BRIDGE.POLIS
virtual paid 51.1 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.00876 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
7e29cf1f cancel order
043b06bb wants 0.01915 BRIDGE.BTC for 108.8 BRIDGE.POLIS
e443c652 cancel order
4619b64a wants 0.01957 BRIDGE.BTC for 108.8 BRIDGE.POLIS
4e4e067f cancel order
b94575d6 wants 0.02004 BRIDGE.BTC for 108.8 BRIDGE.POLIS
30320e06 cancel order
fd232474 wants 0.02012 BRIDGE.BTC for 108.8 BRIDGE.POLIS
37dac664 sent 0.0289 BRIDGE.BTC to
6220b3cc paid 60.4 BRIDGE.LABX for 0.0564 BRIDGE.BTC
bbc4ca14 wants 0.0564 BRIDGE.BTC for 60.4 BRIDGE.LABX
c21ecf1a cancel order
2f352152 cancel order
63b1c62a wants 0.02603 BRIDGE.BTC for 108.8 BRIDGE.POLIS
8ffc843a cancel order
b8741d75 wants 0.02535 BRIDGE.BTC for 108.8 BRIDGE.POLIS
19c4cb80 cancel order
c5970827 wants 298 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.0629 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.023 BRIDGE.BTC for 109 BRIDGE.POLIS
15139b3a cancel order
afcc6a87 paid 197.6 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.0452 BRIDGE.BTC
4a9a70ed wants 0.0452 BRIDGE.BTC for 197.6 BRIDGE.POLIS
76517d26 cancel order
9b7c7c01 wants 0.0474 BRIDGE.BTC for 197.6 BRIDGE.POLIS
e6ab5448 paid 0.0358 BRIDGE.BTC for 198 BRIDGE.POLIS
2e578f47 wants 262 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.0403 BRIDGE.BTC
4ea34e38 wants 198 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.0358 BRIDGE.BTC
f46f8574 cancel order
193616c8 wants 422 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.076 BRIDGE.BTC
13767d72 cancel order
877551ea wants 318 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.0636 BRIDGE.BTC
377881c8 cancel order
4333b685 wants 490 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.0754 BRIDGE.BTC
f024ef39 cancel order
45e05688 wants 680 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.0756 BRIDGE.BTC
4f4eacd9 cancel order
86bc7bb8 wants 0.0507 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,008 BRIDGE.GBX
2f73c20d wants 0.0586 BRIDGE.BTC for 60.4 BRIDGE.LABX
54de6590 cancel order
fde11b10 wants 0.0781 BRIDGE.BTC for 60.4 BRIDGE.LABX
859a3e5f cancel order
5471c2e9 cancel order
9f5adb6b wants 242 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.0752 BRIDGE.BTC
e0b539ea cancel order
2e8ac219 wants 242 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.0752 BRIDGE.BTC
72ba39b2 cancel order
28124771 wants 0.0498 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,008 BRIDGE.GBX
260c6247 cancel order
6ec07fa9 wants 108 BRIDGE.LABX for 0.0746 BRIDGE.BTC
0f65a5ed cancel order
04218e1d wants 108 BRIDGE.LABX for 0.0745 BRIDGE.BTC
30e71446 cancel order
2338aa47 wants 0.0591 BRIDGE.BTC for 60.4 BRIDGE.LABX
8cbe594d cancel order
1d6d2f76 wants 108 BRIDGE.LABX for 0.075 BRIDGE.BTC
0b1c1412 wants 0.0547 BRIDGE.BTC for 60.4 BRIDGE.LABX
d75e765a cancel order
228651c3 wants 0.0547 BRIDGE.BTC for 60.4 BRIDGE.LABX
561b5d8b cancel order
8c996685 wants 0.0549 BRIDGE.BTC for 60.4 BRIDGE.LABX
4b27def7 cancel order
24596f0f wants 0.055 BRIDGE.BTC for 60.4 BRIDGE.LABX
58f4cb85 cancel order
5568633f paid 1 BRIDGE.LABX for 0.00091 BRIDGE.BTC
652e143a wants 0.0559 BRIDGE.BTC for 61.4 BRIDGE.LABX
0ec2429d wants 61.5 BRIDGE.LABX for 0.052 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00972 BRIDGE.BTC for 11.5 BRIDGE.LABX
virtual paid 0.0423 BRIDGE.BTC for 50 BRIDGE.LABX
3fd35791 cancel order
1845a0e5 wants 178 BRIDGE.LABX for 0.1215 BRIDGE.BTC
e87cb3a6 cancel order
0c03e152 wants 185 BRIDGE.LABX for 0.1258 BRIDGE.BTC
5adce6e4 paid 0.0415 BRIDGE.BTC for 927 BRIDGE.GBX
6ae729f8 wants 927 BRIDGE.GBX for 0.0415 BRIDGE.BTC
554f455f cancel order
15d2a505 wants 927 BRIDGE.GBX for 0.0415 BRIDGE.BTC
7c69ec85 cancel order
f8e762a2 paid 0.00369 BRIDGE.BTC for 83 BRIDGE.GBX
64681827 wants 1,010 BRIDGE.GBX for 0.045 BRIDGE.BTC
cc206762 cancel order
1c46968c wants 1,010 BRIDGE.GBX for 0.0427 BRIDGE.BTC
c64d9992 cancel order
378dc047 wants 1,005 BRIDGE.GBX for 0.0425 BRIDGE.BTC
f6ca4b8a cancel order
4909d2ef wants 1,010 BRIDGE.GBX for 0.0424 BRIDGE.BTC
00a2347d cancel order
c073817c wants 9,439 BRIDGE.RVN for 0.08 BRIDGE.BTC
49a26b55 cancel order
09d2c71b wants 9,852 BRIDGE.RVN for 0.08 BRIDGE.BTC
f6903cac cancel order
f428d020 wants 98 BRIDGE.PARQ for 0.0501 BRIDGE.BTC
714f425f cancel order
0c5b4a1a wants 358 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.082 BRIDGE.BTC
f8158e56 cancel order
4ac9eafa wants 358 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.082 BRIDGE.BTC
69810312 cancel order
09df6e6b wants 358 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.082 BRIDGE.BTC
108176a0 paid 307.4 BRIDGE.POLIS for 0.0762 BRIDGE.BTC