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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.0035 BTS
Lifetime fees paid6.95 BTS
Registrar-30% -
Referrer110% -


Asset Balance
BTS 0.0035
OPTIONS.19AU025P 0.01
4f442412 sent 10.85 BTS to
bd3452ce sent 287.6 CNY to
3ea623b5 sent 300 CNY to
1c969e00 sent 30,000 CNY to
e5f7a925 sent 50,000 CNY to
6564153b sent 50,000 CNY to
a276da4d sent 50 CNY to
95c5bec9 sent 100 CNY to
afaeb4e3 sent 100 CNY to
adcef290 sent 100 CNY to
9127432f sent 736 CNY to
f5da4a3b paid 29,026 ACRLL for 17,500 CNY
80bbd4b7 paid 91,303 ACRLL for 55,046 CNY
6773dd0d wants 72,546 CNY for 120,329 ACRLL
9acdfeb5 wants 120,341 ACRLL for 70,098 CNY
virtual paid 4,474 CNY for 7,680 ACRLL
virtual paid 3,969 CNY for 6,814 ACRLL
virtual paid 61,656 CNY for 105,847 ACRLL
a9f7ebd1 sent 12,500 CNY to
c71c5e90 sent 846 CNY to
f565b62d paid 135,749 ACRLL for 79,169 CNY
034b6567 paid 7,474 ACRLL for 4,359 CNY
207c2fee wants 83,528 CNY for 143,224 ACRLL
941ddc5f paid 5,921 CNY for 10,508 ACRLL
7a3ce571 paid 40,345 CNY for 71,597 ACRLL
f98a8dd5 paid 34,448 CNY for 61,133 ACRLL
42c69ec5 wants 143,238 ACRLL for 80,715 CNY
4d6268b0 sent 1,250 CNY to
fad52a73 sent 841 CNY to
9e3bbd42 paid 38,166 ACRLL for 21,453 CNY
f8223f60 paid 109,296 ACRLL for 61,435 CNY
f61c6fd6 wants 82,888 CNY for 147,462 ACRLL
867402e1 sent 50 ACRLL to