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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight2.795 BTS
Lifetime fees paid1.708 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 2.797 0
PROTON 0.1 0
ELECTRON 0.0002 0
PORND 8.25 0
TURION 0.0994 0
NICKEL 0.00004 0
EBAYCOM 0.00001 0
LIQPAY 0.009 0
TESLACOM 0.00001 0
NETFLIXCOM 0.00001 0
PORNDCLASSIC 20,880 20,880
virtual cancel order
3c1c17b0 sent 430 BTS to
df0874eb paid 4,240 FSTSH for 424 BTS
cfd774df wants 424 BTS for 4,240 FSTSH
45cd7a5a cancel order
7af40baf cancel order
894437eb wants 0.008 BTS for 1 FSTSH
virtual paid 1 FSTSH for 0.008 BTS
f200dfaf wants 0.1 BTS for 10 FSTSH
virtual paid 10 FSTSH for 0.1 BTS
3b0dd21f wants 0.1 BTS for 5 FSTSH
virtual paid 5 FSTSH for 0.1 BTS
f4f8ba84 wants 1 FSTSH for 0.19 BTS
virtual paid 0.19 BTS for 1 FSTSH
virtual cancel order
403393ab wants 1 PORND for 0.09 BTS
virtual paid 0.09 BTS for 1 PORND
virtual cancel order
e16d0e9e wants 0.1 BTS for 2.5 PORND
virtual paid 2.5 PORND for 0.1 BTS
ac16ded5 wants 46 BTS for 200 FSTSH
2e0e3402 wants 1,200 BTS for 4,000 FSTSH
dfd241ee cancel order
72c6b0e8 cancel order
07693e39 cancel order
33140c68 cancel order
2a71cdf2 cancel order
cf6e52e3 wants 625 FSTSH for 5 BTS
d5b80a11 cancel order
730d75de wants 625 FSTSH for 5 BTS
1883a30a sent 100 FSTSH to
1df55720 sent 100 FSTSH to
265fd87e sent 100 FSTSH to
c97d36c4 wants 0.1 BTS for 0.00001 STARBUCKSCOM
virtual paid 0.00001 STARBUCKSCOM for 0.1 BTS
c90340ab wants 900 BTS for 1,000 FSTSH
4cc2633e wants 1,000 BTS for 1,000 FSTSH
f4339e5d cancel order
eb92d378 cancel order
aad0be25 wants 1.3 BTS for 10,000 BADCOIN
virtual paid 10,000 BADCOIN for 1.3 BTS
a14f7b71 wants 1 PORND for 0.09 BTS
virtual paid 0.09 BTS for 1 PORND
dfcbf4ce wants 0.1 BTS for 1.25 PORND
virtual paid 1.25 PORND for 0.1 BTS
b6dec8b7 wants 2,088 BTS for 20,880 PORNDCLASSIC
faf17825 wants 0.0913 BTS for 114.1 PORNDCLASSIC
virtual paid 114.1 PORNDCLASSIC for 0.0913 BTS
877090d4 wants 500 BTS for 1,000 FSTSH
c220f317 cancel order
4c3d244c wants 800 BTS for 1,000 FSTSH
1f657026 wants 1,000 BTS for 1,000 FSTSH
b9a9006a wants 200 BTS for 500 FSTSH
ed3b4014 cancel order
9fa0743f wants 100 BTS for 1,000 FSTSH
153d6fd6 wants 99 BTS for 1,000 FSTSH
e4482346 wants 0.1883 BTS for 0.00002 AMAZONCOM
virtual paid 0.00002 AMAZONCOM for 0.1883 BTS
6cceec1c sent 19 BTS to
1ad3ed9a wants 19.98 BTS for 999 FSTSH
virtual paid 999 FSTSH for 19.98 BTS
virtual cancel order
8c053f4c wants 0.05 BTS for 0.00002 APPLECOM
virtual paid 0.00002 APPLECOM for 0.05 BTS
23ab85f0 sent 15 BTS to
ffd8c473 sent 15 BTS to
8c56b14f cancel order
06cf7ead wants 10 OPEN.SCR for 19.9 BTS
456fb47f paid 19.9 BTS for 10 OPEN.SCR
0a3221f9 wants 0.8 BTS for 10 PORND
404b0d9a wants 0.01 BTS for 1 PORNDCLASSIC
virtual paid 1 PORNDCLASSIC for 0.01 BTS
da6d383f paid 200 BTS for 20,000 PORNDCLASSIC
ffc0a4fc wants 20,000 PORNDCLASSIC for 200 BTS
d136927b cancel order
6f88699f wants 10,000 PORNDCLASSIC for 200 BTS
f86134c0 cancel order
37bae6d8 wants 3,500 PORNDCLASSIC for 70 BTS
dd14d72e paid 0.06 BTS for 0.03 PORNDCLASSIC
3d360514 wants 0.03 PORNDCLASSIC for 0.06 BTS
6b40e8bc cancel order
620797e3 wants 500 PORND for 5 BTS
077375ec sent 480 PORND to
86ece9e9 wants 1.79 BTS for 10 PORND
virtual paid 10 PORND for 1.79 BTS
virtual cancel order
6ca703c4 sent 45 BTS to
7181b16e wants 0.55 BTS for 5 PORND
virtual paid 5 PORND for 0.55 BTS
6ea31516 cancel order
a4da987e wants 9.09 PORND for 1 BTS
e8fdc417 cancel order
2fa4959c wants 9.09 PORND for 1 BTS
5b3b00b9 sent 4,015 PORND to
f68f9cd2 cancel order
5a159ef2 sent 2,300 PORND to
d0cbb78f sent 9 BTS to
9950a70e paid 48.4 PORND for 24.2 BTS
47d4b4ec wants 2,000 BTS for 4,000 PORND
550df9fa paid 700 BTS for 6,363 PORND
89e4633c wants 6,363 PORND for 700 BTS
637bc439 cancel order
6839eaaf wants 0.1595 BTS for 2.66 PORND
virtual paid 2.66 PORND for 0.266 BTS
1ae8d800 wants 1 PORND for 1 BTS
virtual paid 1 BTS for 2.66 PORND
e1c13f21 wants 7,000 PORND for 700 BTS
bf1de48e cancel order
e1a28d1d cancel order
35386031 wants 8,000 PORND for 400 BTS
84cfc5b8 cancel order
6039e763 wants 6,000 PORND for 300 BTS
b6613691 cancel order
92d75ca3 wants 5,714 PORND for 400 BTS
f4853659 cancel order
65022a6a wants 4,000 PORND for 400 BTS
404dda0e paid 1,000 PORND for 390 BTS
7ea2a0e8 wants 390 BTS for 1,000 PORND
babdeafd paid 160 BTS for 1,000 PORND
fe4a96b3 wants 3,000 PORND for 300 BTS
b1c95dfc cancel order
5a7b9499 wants 3,400 PORND for 340 BTS
ac7845d8 wants 1,000 PORND for 160 BTS
d8038722 cancel order
151d92d7 wants 3,125 PORND for 500 BTS
dc25bcae cancel order
0daf3354 wants 16,667 PORND for 500 BTS
ab9b8ae1 cancel order
d52d5968 wants 5,000 PORND for 500 BTS
04abd7ae cancel order
7c8b87bf wants 12,500 PORND for 500 BTS
eed4ce63 cancel order
d083bcad wants 14,286 PORND for 500 BTS
72571b6e cancel order
56bbcdfb wants 5,000 PORND for 500 BTS
e1421ebe cancel order
23fac5a5 wants 7,143 PORND for 500 BTS
93140554 cancel order
6432145a wants 12,500 PORND for 500 BTS
4ff65978 paid 1,247 PORND for 499 BTS
c00580db wants 499 BTS for 1,247 PORND
2519d93a cancel order
94d48d20 cancel order
bdd68b42 paid 3.44 PORND for 1.86 BTS
1415789e wants 1,034 BTS for 1,100 PORND
ba28bdf8 paid 110 BTS for 1,100 PORND
73445e8c wants 81 BTS for 150 PORND
64fac39f wants 1,100 PORND for 110 BTS
58150d89 cancel order
84bee451 cancel order
87336b08 wants 1,157 PORND for 115.7 BTS
069764a4 wants 82.5 BTS for 150 PORND
5e3aa0b9 wants 150 PORND for 45 BTS
virtual paid 45 BTS for 150 PORND
4b300434 cancel order
36a86487 wants 1,500 PORND for 150 BTS
0846a494 cancel order
8dfa5418 wants 500 PORND for 150 BTS
7cea63de cancel order
366249b3 wants 536 PORND for 160.7 BTS
80e37155 wants 5,000 BTS for 10,000 BADCOIN
43dead73 paid 150 PORND for 150 BTS
ab80d032 wants 150 BTS for 150 PORND
f9a98f35 cancel order
3fd41d86 wants 300 BTS for 150 PORND
8df1906a cancel order
ecfd3955 cancel order
827dae9d sent 2,030 BTS to
3c8b789d paid 1,850 PORND for 2,035 BTS
5b6fbf34 wants 2,035 BTS for 1,850 PORND
cd30ca38 cancel order
236ca9ab wants 2,128 BTS for 1,850 PORND
09f010fc cancel order
193d6bce cancel order
04194078 wants 1,040 BTS for 800 PORND
8f8caaa6 cancel order
c4cea51c cancel order
c20c9aea cancel order
2d166775 wants 130 BTS for 100 PORND
3ff8e49b wants 100 BTS for 50 PORND
1b8b40bf wants 99.5 BTS for 50 PORND
d055e138 wants 1,200 BTS for 1,000 PORND
19ee3b88 wants 990 BTS for 500 PORND
8a7ea2df wants 594 BTS for 300 PORND
f6bfe991 cancel order
700adfad wants 63.8 PORND for 5.75 BTS
a93577c9 sent 850 BTS to
c7416683 wants 418 BTS for 4,179 PORND
virtual paid 4,179 PORND for 418 BTS
c68d2caf cancel order
981ba794 wants 1,254 BTS for 4,179 PORND
d1b78c67 cancel order
09a903c3 cancel order
24a59d16 cancel order
d4de2c89 cancel order
6e9dcf13 cancel order
561090ff paid 800 PORND for 400 BTS
c92a3a26 paid 60.3 PORND for 30.2 BTS
13b47767 wants 1,250 BTS for 2,500 PORND