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BitShares Block Explorer



1 50%
BTS5oaDVx8Qu75dhPxLWypPdjdEPU54E9pKS9tdUEN7fJsjBXZX4c 1 50%
Threshold 1 50%
Votes as
Lifetime fees paid17.8 BTS
Registrar-50% -
Referrer130% -
160fb9ce sent 600 MONEDAPAR to
61c535f4 sent 1,000 MONEDAPAR to
cb916898 sent 180 MONEDAPAR to
7edb2711 sent 320 MONEDAPAR to
aef36316 sent 330 MONEDAPAR to
a26b5ea4 sent 450 MONEDAPAR to
06956e7a sent 250 MONEDAPAR to
b489d560 sent 1,900 MONEDAPAR to
75bd7e82 sent 550 MONEDAPAR to
cc5866d4 sent 240 MONEDAPAR to
dce516ff sent 351 MONEDAPAR to
6eebd87a sent 110 MONEDAPAR to
1cdd903f sent 130 MONEDAPAR to
24865462 sent 130 MONEDAPAR to
5041f5c3 sent 320 MONEDAPAR to
f727750e sent 500 MONEDAPAR to
363b1096 sent 300 MONEDAPAR to
57b85e9c sent 1,700 MONEDAPAR to
92411aa2 sent 390 MONEDAPAR to
9af4b82d sent 360 MONEDAPAR to
b15f7b09 sent 135 MONEDAPAR to
4eafd810 sent 300 MONEDAPAR to
c5d32fad sent 1 MONEDAPAR.AX to