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BitShares Block Explorer



1 50%
BTS58efW8d3vH5LFi4d974YyggPRbVq1u6xxgQMcLYbtGGP5swzJh 1 50%
Threshold 1 50%
4 66.7%
1 16.67%
BTS58oftoybsduGLqagcq2YkKy2khjKWDJxxdAoMGUTAH4tpp45eS 1 16.67%
Threshold 1 16.67%
Votes as
Voting weight0.721 BTS
Lifetime fees paid24.8 BTS
Registrar-10% -
Referrer90% -


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 0.789 0
BTCPLUS 0.00000081 0
DEEX 0.1 0
virtual cancel order
4f204e27 update account/votes
8802a8fe sent 0.1 DEEX to
2a245cdf sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
2086c1aa sent 613,086 COMPUCEEDS to
18efc7c0 sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
bb845c1b cancel order
88905d02 cancel order
8bdde916 cancel order
7a240dfc cancel order
ca2db479 sent 5,000 BTCPLUS to
4ea371f2 cancel order
f7a77347 sent 2,353 BTCPLUS to
f2df3c52 cancel order
2717cf6f wants 7,058,125 USD for 2,353 BTCPLUS
f643c11e wants 14,999,500 USD for 5,000 BTCPLUS
3db228ab cancel order
6f0fb1fa wants 70 BTS for 25 CRYPTOCEEDS
b7f5cd2b sent 17.27 BTCPLUS to
2392d0e2 wants 19.15 BTCPLUS for 1 BTS
virtual paid 1 BTS for 19.15 BTCPLUS
d9312b0b sent 50,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
91217e88 wants 500 BTS for 10 CRYPTOCEEDS
21bb249f cancel order
5b592339 wants 0.667 ZENGOLD for 1 BTS
04ca2278 wants 750 BTS for 30 CRYPTOCEEDS
0c7d933f wants 10,000 BTS for 500 COMPUCEEDS
b86c9112 wants 105 BTS for 5 CRYPTOCEEDS
286d089d wants 75.8 BTCPLUS for 20 BTS
virtual paid 20 BTS for 75.8 BTCPLUS
4edaba15 update account/votes
4b1e2060 cancel order
3f8b07f9 update account/votes
70a15743 sent 3,000 BTCPLUS to
c530db1b sent 2,282 BTCPLUS to
c8e5d79a wants 2,000 BTCPLUS for 22 BTS
5d52ff5f wants 5,000 OPEN.BTC for 5,000 BTCPLUS
835368f6 wants 296 BTCPLUS for 47 BTS
virtual paid 47 BTS for 296 BTCPLUS
b038ec32 cancel order
6f673b97 paid 2 BTS for 12.6 BTCPLUS
fcfd8ad7 wants 12.6 BTCPLUS for 2 BTS
452ff7af cancel order
5fb18cab wants 6.3 BTCPLUS for 1 BTS
facb0b31 wants 404 BTCPLUS for 48 BTS
9bc9317f cancel order
119c81a8 sent 25 BTCPLUS to
458ece5c cancel order
381c224a sent 9,975 BTCPLUS to
42f02c88 cancel order
a97ba99f sent 8,000 BTCPLUS to
26ce3e39 cancel order
1ea3a583 cancel order
a4d69f21 cancel order
34c32d05 wants 840 BTCPLUS for 10,000,000 COMPUCEEDS
f1075fb9 wants 5,000 OPEN.BTC for 5,000 BTCPLUS
12fe4b05 wants 5,000 OPEN.BTC for 5,000 BTCPLUS
6e0d51de wants 748,125,000 BTS for 9,975 BTCPLUS
3da7e19e cancel order
88e60562 cancel order
5fc6f6cf cancel order
dfcaea3f cancel order
11392f15 wants 2,000,000 BTS for 25 BTCPLUS
7b2bb54a wants 2,998,000 BTS for 2,000 BTCPLUS
9bc9e2fc wants 7,494,720 BTS for 5,000 BTCPLUS
1312f1d0 wants 4,496,982 BTS for 3,000 BTCPLUS
927e5b10 wants 4,499,982 BTS for 3,000 BTCPLUS
2a16d1e1 wants 11,984,000 USD for 8,000 BTCPLUS
8ead3586 cancel order
13c1f3c9 wants 3.095 CRYPTOCEEDS for 5 BTS
1dd99da4 sent 17 BTS to
543c7417 sent 157 CRYPTOCEEDS to
eaa22fd1 wants 58,476 COMPUCEEDS for 3 BTS
virtual paid 3 BTS for 58,476 COMPUCEEDS
eb25ddc7 update account/votes