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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.00368 BTS
Lifetime fees paid1.007 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.00368
CNY 0.818
362b2995 sent 5,356 CNY to
198d255f paid 0.00008 BTS for 0.0001 CNY
064cae65 paid 9.77 BTS for 12.7 CNY
3c08a6fa paid 15.57 BTS for 20.25 CNY
b763c90b wants 5,357 CNY for 4,117 BTS
04d4601f paid 1,978 BTS for 2,573 CNY
728a96ea paid 313.6 BTS for 408 CNY
a0d711a8 paid 53.1 BTS for 69 CNY
76580dcc paid 1,207 BTS for 1,571 CNY
a4785d7e paid 53.1 BTS for 69 CNY
cc9c4dc3 paid 58.2 BTS for 75.7 CNY
4ff75e17 paid 46.8 BTS for 61 CNY
543b01de paid 62.5 BTS for 81.3 CNY
5a761ba6 paid 84.4 BTS for 109.8 CNY
9d91eda5 paid 84.4 BTS for 109.8 CNY
e8334253 paid 83 BTS for 108 CNY
256a675c paid 53.1 BTS for 69 CNY
ce9f80e3 paid 4.88 BTS for 6.35 CNY
3e10394c paid 9.77 BTS for 12.7 CNY
2e655492 sent 7,467 CNY to
b3edac0d cancel order
7ebc537a wants 3,972 BTS for 7,467 CNY
c7aa3339 cancel order
dded93ef cancel order
a1e481d7 cancel order
9c807eee wants 588 BTS for 1,000 CNY
6f834987 wants 1,111 BTS for 2,000 CNY
866e5775 wants 595 BTS for 1,000 CNY
21c4b5aa cancel order
6f397cfd cancel order
e9956cd4 wants 3,030 BTS for 5,000 CNY
8d40e77e wants 1,070 BTS for 2,000 CNY
aac7d359 cancel order
7c3cad21 cancel order
21f3a326 wants 3,037 BTS for 5,467 CNY
2b57d24a wants 1,000 BTS for 2,000 CNY
61fa2f5e cancel order
fa7a2263 cancel order
478ac04b cancel order
290ab47e wants 200 BTS for 400 CNY
21e20342 wants 227.3 BTS for 500 CNY
35b9176b wants 208.3 BTS for 500 CNY
31de1a7d cancel order
2512567a cancel order
6e18bd12 cancel order
02102df6 wants 1,442 BTS for 3,000 CNY
0e2feb42 wants 1,304 BTS for 3,000 CNY
29b240fe wants 385 BTS for 1,000 CNY
6a78ca8d cancel order
ec2417ec wants 3,734 BTS for 7,467 CNY
aad8eeea cancel order
b5dc550f wants 4,148 BTS for 7,467 CNY
4bf584e8 paid 2,470 BTS for 5,608 CNY
1690fcdf paid 0.105 BTS for 0.2383 CNY
8da27737 paid 598 BTS for 1,358 CNY
21cdf40b wants 6,967 CNY for 3,069 BTS
7ba4787e adjust collateral by -3,068 BTS, debt by -2,400 CNY
09422272 paid 1,286 BTS for 2,899 CNY
2169ff6d wants 2,899 CNY for 1,286 BTS
1bf5d7a8 cancel order
679f4468 wants 2,906 CNY for 1,286 BTS
7f375a10 sent 1,021 BTS to
7fe72585 paid 1,826 CNY for 774 BTS
7a3b6421 paid 584 CNY for 247.3 BTS
3deebeb1 wants 1,021 BTS for 2,410 CNY
cd477a6c adjust collateral by 3,068 BTS, debt by 2,400 CNY
dc007bfa paid 5,666 BTS for 14,555 CNY
c5ee9fbe adjust collateral by 0.072 BTS, debt by -660 CNY
f95011f4 paid 217 BTS for 670 CNY
8f2457c7 wants 670 CNY for 217 BTS
45017fe6 cancel order
ed83c800 wants 1,280 CNY for 217 BTS
8eb52671 paid 221 CNY for 39.4 BTS
a2430198 paid 994 CNY for 177.2 BTS
a557d0b6 wants 216.7 BTS for 1,215 CNY
dd2eb0d8 adjust collateral by 697 BTS, debt by 1,215 CNY
d228a08e cancel order
cc9b2400 wants 4,391 CNY for 697 BTS
1ce05cc7 paid 4,000 CNY for 697 BTS
59c1a18d wants 697 BTS for 4,000 CNY
8506ba35 cancel order
c8d12982 wants 714 BTS for 4,000 CNY
6851d969 adjust collateral by 2,433 BTS, debt by 4,000 CNY
10ae248e cancel order
1bb4213f wants 23,853 CNY for 2,434 BTS
78cda1fe cancel order
adec5e86 wants 10,000 CNY for 1,667 BTS
b9c58eca cancel order
d5497097 wants 10,710 CNY for 2,434 BTS
92c7b6d8 paid 8,889 CNY for 2,434 BTS
f2b05dce wants 2,434 BTS for 8,889 CNY
4c9e59bb cancel order
e1b6bdad wants 2,434 BTS for 8,889 CNY
79d1362a cancel order
ee741a00 wants 2,435 BTS for 8,889 CNY
ef20f329 wants 8,889 CNY for 2,409 BTS
dfaeecbc paid 1,626 BTS for 6,000 CNY
5377ee07 paid 783 BTS for 2,889 CNY
63e67649 paid 7,799 CNY for 1,879 BTS
37dde547 paid 2,201 CNY for 530 BTS
5d319813 wants 2,409 BTS for 10,000 CNY
89299e5a adjust collateral by 5,604 BTS, debt by 10,000 CNY
51ba92f9 paid 10,356 CNY for 2,488 BTS
3d1e6841 wants 2,488 BTS for 10,356 CNY
70a40b51 cancel order
2abaf198 wants 2,495 BTS for 10,356 CNY
029eadba cancel order
40ef9fee wants 2,514 BTS for 10,356 CNY
b1aaefc8 cancel order
83fab31b cancel order
9eaa6e6f paid 10,000 CNY for 2,410 BTS
d0d70482 wants 2,410 BTS for 10,000 CNY
81c55123 cancel order
1f4755fb wants 2,032 BTS for 7,356 CNY
02412f20 paid 3,000 CNY for 706 BTS
de3a2a08 wants 2,500 BTS for 10,000 CNY
cc641a0b wants 706 BTS for 3,000 CNY
cf8d0113 wants 781 BTS for 3,000 CNY
b2e213c6 cancel order
2ff021f0 wants 6,673 BTS for 23,356 CNY
4ae8e79d cancel order
f3da5a60 cancel order
b8874a01 cancel order
a9ee59e3 cancel order
74c9f46d wants 4,327 BTS for 11,943 CNY
f77fd91e cancel order
97e9b919 wants 975 BTS for 3,413 CNY
a35a6d3b paid 245.6 BTS for 933 CNY
7c75f8d1 paid 22.4 BTS for 85 CNY
444a67fa wants 1,018 CNY for 268 BTS
virtual paid 0.7 CNY for 0.1876 BTS
virtual paid 1,000 CNY for 268 BTS
c504d902 wants 938 BTS for 3,000 CNY
cf80f5ef wants 1,786 BTS for 5,000 CNY
18dccebd paid 1,111 BTS for 4,333 CNY
17baebb5 paid 311 BTS for 1,191 CNY
f27ddca7 wants 1,191 CNY for 311 BTS
9a8b2b82 cancel order
ef359c87 wants 1,197 CNY for 311 BTS
7175a8cf wants 4,333 CNY for 1,111 BTS
b74db973 cancel order
cd532e2a paid 1,100 CNY for 311 BTS
dbb1e295 wants 4,444 CNY for 1,111 BTS
3e8024a2 wants 311 BTS for 1,100 CNY
f1dbbc8a paid 1,500 BTS for 5,970 CNY
c2fa3a4f wants 5,193 BTS for 11,943 CNY
3434d08d wants 5,970 CNY for 1,500 BTS
2c61aa34 adjust collateral by -2,296 BTS, debt by -2,050 CNY
4cc7d0ee settle 1,000 CNY
631ec89b cancel order
8897f048 cancel order
f6bbbf06 wants 375 BTS for 1,050 CNY
fc4d465f cancel order
4aeb7fe4 wants 298 BTS for 1,050 CNY
27538058 adjust collateral by 1,498 BTS, debt by 1,050 CNY
d2e54649 wants 1,250 CNY for 314 BTS
f9c6d588 paid 1,122 CNY for 314 BTS
77feb55a wants 314 BTS for 1,122 CNY
5ab178ea paid 282 BTS for 1,122 CNY
5e11dd11 wants 1,122 CNY for 282 BTS
b88b3c62 cancel order
b9777c8a wants 213 OCT for 281 BTS
cd51c247 cancel order
0c4c72da wants 1,128 CNY for 282 BTS
ba6d8acd cancel order
f97b0e8e wants 176 OCT for 281.6 BTS
dd73bf38 cancel order
1eb263d9 wants 1,129 CNY for 282 BTS
f10f5b54 paid 1,000 CNY for 281 BTS
97bdfec0 wants 281 BTS for 1,000 CNY
19a5be92 cancel order
e91a5019 wants 263 BTS for 1,000 CNY
cf5c7384 cancel order
1f258854 wants 280 BTS for 1,000 CNY
fcdc8768 adjust collateral by -1.225 BTS, debt by 996 CNY
21eb1dea adjust collateral by 0 BTS, debt by -0.027 CNY
390d4caa adjust collateral by 793 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
7fc95914 adjust collateral by 5.98 BTS, debt by 3.6 CNY