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BitShares Block Explorer



BTS6kGxzun9tz5Tc8FS8dpgeMe92SQdoPh88yWBCrtpP45WstEeEd 1 50%
BTS7ANYoynu3E2GTXmJr5Z783G7ecTt4rfcwE1ytwUkNhkyLPw3K5 1 50%
Threshold 1 50%
Votes as
Voting weight3.99 BTS
Lifetime fees paid1.365 BTS


Asset Balance
BADCOIN 10,000
DEEX 0.1
LIQPAY 0.002
a8252305 sent 90.5 BTS to
df92a802 wants 87.9 BTS for 0.00488 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.00488 OPEN.BTC for 87.9 BTS
virtual cancel order
a2f3bc1a sent 0.1 DEEX to
51a01f65 wants 0.015 OPEN.BTC for 19.17 BRIDGE.ESCO
897ff966 cancel order
852ffd6d wants 0.01347 OPEN.BTC for 16.36 BRIDGE.ESCO
e1a523af cancel order
08b1be3c wants 0.01443 OPEN.BTC for 17.63 BRIDGE.ESCO
a95c9802 cancel order
2569a812 wants 0.01497 OPEN.BTC for 18.45 BRIDGE.ESCO
7afb6243 cancel order
5ced5286 wants 0.0109 OPEN.BTC for 10.84 BRIDGE.ESCO
d4d1683f cancel order
c26e5a6d wants 0.01207 OPEN.BTC for 12.58 BRIDGE.ESCO
aab54716 cancel order
d298a859 wants 0.0148 OPEN.BTC for 19.4 BRIDGE.ESCO
78f03547 cancel order
efd54723 wants 0.01266 OPEN.BTC for 18.9 BRIDGE.ESCO
0a11fef4 cancel order
0b24b857 wants 0.01268 OPEN.BTC for 18.82 BRIDGE.ESCO
1ff02b99 cancel order
2dbc0e92 wants 0.01154 OPEN.BTC for 17.1 BRIDGE.ESCO
cf6ba29f cancel order
11555336 wants 0.01033 OPEN.BTC for 15.85 BRIDGE.ESCO
a3dad193 cancel order
6f4291bc wants 0.00903 OPEN.BTC for 14.88 BRIDGE.ESCO
d580314e cancel orders (2)
9a16d46b paid 0.00000302 OPEN.BTC for 0.01292 BRIDGE.ESCO
6fd371bb wants 6.43 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.001506 OPEN.BTC
6fd371bb wants 0.00947 OPEN.BTC for 13.7 BRIDGE.ESCO
c36c4ba6 paid 0.001503 OPEN.BTC for 6.42 BRIDGE.ESCO
bd71fdfc cancel orders (2)
5b49ae61 paid 0.00000325 OPEN.BTC for 0.00678 BRIDGE.ESCO
968a4871 wants 3.38 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.001627 OPEN.BTC
968a4871 wants 0.00972 OPEN.BTC for 10.35 BRIDGE.ESCO
96988028 paid 0.001623 OPEN.BTC for 3.38 BRIDGE.ESCO
5dd7bccd cancel order
6dde8953 paid 0.0000045 OPEN.BTC for 0.00957 BRIDGE.ESCO
0893ce14 paid 0.00225 OPEN.BTC for 4.78 BRIDGE.ESCO
7bdbfe2a paid 0.00225 OPEN.BTC for 4.78 BRIDGE.ESCO
21c3d48a paid 0.00402 OPEN.BTC for 8.53 BRIDGE.ESCO
e1955897 paid 0.0000252 OPEN.BTC for 0.0535 BRIDGE.ESCO
c4ad3537 paid 0.00218 OPEN.BTC for 4.63 BRIDGE.ESCO
77c989ba paid 0.0000252 OPEN.BTC for 0.0535 BRIDGE.ESCO
d34eb35f paid 0.000406 OPEN.BTC for 0.862 BRIDGE.ESCO
50500e19 paid 0.000406 OPEN.BTC for 0.862 BRIDGE.ESCO
a6e10917 paid 0.0000252 OPEN.BTC for 0.0535 BRIDGE.ESCO
50b934f8 paid 0.00002316 OPEN.BTC for 0.0492 BRIDGE.ESCO
04735e20 paid 0.0000252 OPEN.BTC for 0.0535 BRIDGE.ESCO
b4efc558 paid 0.000047 OPEN.BTC for 0.0999 BRIDGE.ESCO
aa9a7362 wants 24.8 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.01169 OPEN.BTC
0e1645a3 cancel order
d691a140 wants 34.4 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.0141 OPEN.BTC
f2d23794 cancel order
129e0603 wants 22.4 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.01175 OPEN.BTC
d4fe3aae update account/votes
a26f41a5 update account/votes