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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight326 BTS
Lifetime fees paid695 BTS
Cashback/vesting0.117 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 326
PPY 5.5
DEEX 0.1
BAIDUCOM 0.00001
EBAYCOM 0.00001
APPLECOM 0.00001
TESLACOM 0.00001
CISCOCOM 0.00001
VISACOM 0.00001
FORDCOM 0.00001
XBTSX.STH 0.01287
45db10b5 sent 0.01287 XBTSX.STH to
cb31104d sent 0.1 DEEX to
3665dded paid 0.00485 PPY for 0.1014 BTS
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
9c470b66 paid 0.148 PPY for 3.09 BTS
7ad4b50b paid 0.1172 PPY for 2.45 BTS
ec982d21 paid 0.0269 PPY for 0.541 BTS
8a85764a paid 0.2484 PPY for 4.99 BTS
463752a5 paid 0.00123 PPY for 0.02377 BTS
54712385 paid 0.1792 PPY for 3.46 BTS
f346cc5e paid 0.1004 PPY for 1.94 BTS
7b9ec114 paid 0.2864 PPY for 5.32 BTS
d7525c6a wants 5.64 BTS for 0.27 PPY
e33976ab wants 5.32 BTS for 0.2864 PPY
2a9b84dc wants 5.53 BTS for 0.2753 PPY
9349e7c3 wants 5.43 BTS for 0.281 PPY
39ba6329 paid 5.12 BTS for 0.281 PPY
virtual paid 5.02 BTS for 0.2864 PPY
c7621b02 paid 5.32 BTS for 0.27 PPY
virtual paid 5.22 BTS for 0.2753 PPY
fb44fad0 wants 9.27 BTS for 0.1876 PPY
3bb2b637 wants 9.1 BTS for 0.1913 PPY
cee84e8f wants 8.92 BTS for 0.195 PPY
44277abf wants 8.74 BTS for 0.199 PPY
f384894d wants 8.57 BTS for 0.203 PPY
385f4d7c wants 8.4 BTS for 0.207 PPY
31e31633 wants 8.24 BTS for 0.211 PPY
c00761b4 wants 8.08 BTS for 0.215 PPY
5ab21597 wants 7.93 BTS for 0.2195 PPY
5c509c3c wants 7.77 BTS for 0.224 PPY
c9d77b50 wants 7.62 BTS for 0.2282 PPY
b5b59faf wants 7.47 BTS for 0.2328 PPY
acf80d60 wants 7.33 BTS for 0.2374 PPY
d21582c4 wants 7.19 BTS for 0.242 PPY
bd80a8ce wants 7.05 BTS for 0.247 PPY
10fc9505 wants 6.91 BTS for 0.2517 PPY
83f25b58 wants 6.78 BTS for 0.2567 PPY
9c046dec wants 6.64 BTS for 0.262 PPY
a43d8d19 wants 6.52 BTS for 0.267 PPY
5c4151e1 wants 6.39 BTS for 0.2723 PPY
778f65e4 wants 6.26 BTS for 0.2777 PPY
1b1abf55 wants 6.14 BTS for 0.283 PPY
9bcea4b5 wants 0.342 PPY for 4.21 BTS
07905622 wants 0.335 PPY for 4.29 BTS
61d7bc21 wants 0.328 PPY for 4.38 BTS
34888cbc wants 0.322 PPY for 4.46 BTS
263246d4 wants 0.316 PPY for 4.55 BTS
654ebe20 wants 0.31 PPY for 4.64 BTS
81f5eefb wants 0.304 PPY for 4.73 BTS
53e6d9f8 wants 0.298 PPY for 4.83 BTS
0de4e8ba wants 0.292 PPY for 4.92 BTS
649c3e5f wants 0.2864 PPY for 5.02 BTS
6a8f2e96 wants 0.281 PPY for 5.12 BTS
ac3e14f7 wants 0.2753 PPY for 5.22 BTS
bb312ad5 wants 0.27 PPY for 5.32 BTS
d4ff92ec cancel order
f5c62db0 wants 0.831 PPY for 0.237 BTS
f5c62db0 cancel orders (109)
0702fa1b wants 0.831 PPY for 0.237 BTS
62da672e wants 0.815 PPY for 0.242 BTS
fe26e2d0 wants 0.8 PPY for 0.2467 BTS
d494ba73 wants 0.784 PPY for 0.2516 BTS
1bed619a wants 0.769 PPY for 0.2566 BTS
3f501b13 wants 0.754 PPY for 0.2617 BTS