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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight131.4 BTS
Lifetime fees paid201 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 131.4 0
BADCOIN 10,000 0
DEEX 0.1 0
ELECTRON 55,810 0
IMASK 0.0002 0
SEED 158 0
CEMENT 0.007 0
QUBIT 3,630 100
AMAZONCOM 0.00002 0
BAIDUCOM 0.00002 0
EBAYCOM 0.00001 0
LIQPAY 0.011 0
GUPPY 100 0
APPLECOM 0.00001 0
TESLACOM 0.00001 0
NETFLIXCOM 0.00001 0
VISACOM 0.00001 0
ALIBABACOM 0.00001 0
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel orders (2)
c49c8c3e sent 896 COVFEFE to
00e0b9dd sent 2 BTS to
fe945199 sent 2 BTS to
0a0208ff sent 5,200 BTS to
07d6b7e9 paid 0.0004 BTS for 0.0004 QUBIT
b6d0c664 paid 14.04 BTS for 14.04 QUBIT
f5d2af30 paid 0.562 BTS for 0.153 QUBIT
205fd15a paid 0.00051 BTS for 0.0001 QUBIT
359840fb paid 0.419 BTS for 0.0855 QUBIT
193c4002 paid 0.0049 BTS for 0.001 QUBIT
69d1f6fc paid 0.332 BTS for 0.0678 QUBIT
f2dc1a0e paid 0.336 BTS for 0.0686 QUBIT
81518817 update asset QUBIT
8be3e9eb paid 0.00196 BTS for 0.0004 QUBIT
2ad391cc paid 0.0049 BTS for 0.001 QUBIT
f0c3f510 paid 0.25 BTS for 0.0454 QUBIT
44716b39 wants 0.0454 QUBIT for 0.25 BTS
db5582e4 wants 0.2244 QUBIT for 1.1 BTS
ca5c3108 wants 0.051 QUBIT for 0.2784 BTS
virtual paid 0.00048 BTS for 0.0001 QUBIT
virtual paid 0.0001 QUBIT for 0.00048 BTS
virtual paid 0.278 BTS for 0.051 QUBIT
123d2f31 wants 800 QUBIT for 3,920 BTS
virtual paid 3,920 BTS for 800 QUBIT
virtual paid 800 QUBIT for 3,920 BTS
b83cd290 wants 20.4 QUBIT for 100 BTS
virtual paid 100 BTS for 20.4 QUBIT
virtual paid 20.4 QUBIT for 100 BTS
ad4549de wants 4,020 BTS for 820 QUBIT
cf46ef95 issue 2,000 QUBIT to
20373c3b update asset QUBIT
74057f77 paid 0.0001 QUBIT for 0.00059 BTS
2c05ce49 paid 53 QUBIT for 318 BTS
bf89fe6f paid 0.0834 QUBIT for 0.5 BTS
7f2584f6 paid 0.00204 BTS for 18.55 ELECTRON
8b028864 paid 2.024 BTS for 18,403 ELECTRON
6847b677 paid 4.12 BTS for 31,244 ELECTRON
virtual paid 0.1512 BTS for 1,163 ELECTRON
8625d406 cancel order
1ec95692 wants 31,244 ELECTRON for 4.12 BTS
4fe97fa9 wants 1,163 ELECTRON for 0.1512 BTS
af6691a6 paid 3.01 BTS for 0.63 QUBIT
virtual paid 1.835 BTS for 0.447 QUBIT
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0b939b6a paid 70,000 ELECTRON for 12.6 BTS
f1b3b5b7 paid 2.106 BTS for 0.441 QUBIT
d67aeb69 wants 0.945 BTS for 4,500 ELECTRON
11f4f8a8 wants 12.6 BTS for 70,000 ELECTRON
6b0c9fa7 wants 8,333 ELECTRON for 1 BTS
virtual paid 1 BTS for 8,333 ELECTRON
083c7ec9 wants 18,421 ELECTRON for 2.026 BTS
853c268a paid 2.95 BTS for 18,438 ELECTRON
virtual paid 1.742 BTS for 12,445 ELECTRON
79a07b84 paid 0.16 BTS for 1,000 ELECTRON
249fb717 wants 12,445 ELECTRON for 1.742 BTS
b0119f90 wants 19,438 ELECTRON for 3.11 BTS
5e5269a8 paid 1.67 QUBIT for 10 BTS
4ff925e8 wants 1.073 QUBIT for 5.12 BTS
95ca50af wants 0.447 QUBIT for 1.835 BTS
be86e63f wants 372 BTS for 62 QUBIT
virtual paid 0.1943 QUBIT for 1.312 BTS
virtual paid 1.312 BTS for 0.1943 QUBIT
virtual paid 0.0144 QUBIT for 0.0936 BTS
virtual paid 1.578 QUBIT for 10.12 BTS
virtual paid 5.5 QUBIT for 34.8 BTS
39bfab7f wants 0.153 QUBIT for 0.562 BTS
4341103f wants 0.1943 QUBIT for 1.312 BTS
f99357a6 wants 40.5 QUBIT for 40.5 BTS
fece3f04 wants 40.5 QUBIT for 40.5 BTS
bfd20b0f cancel order
15e97c4d cancel order
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2be0809c paid 0.0069 BTS for 0.001 QUBIT
938d5212 paid 0.0069 BTS for 0.001 QUBIT
82e5cae9 paid 6.9 BTS for 1 QUBIT
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b403e603 paid 82.8 QUBIT for 698 BTS
22a602c2 wants 701 BTS for 83.3 QUBIT
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07fd8b38 sent 0.0004 QUBIT to
525a094e sent 0.0004 QUBIT to
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3bc308a7 paid 561 BTS for 56.1 QUBIT
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28d99e04 sent 0.0004 QUBIT to
5cbd54b8 sent 0.0004 QUBIT to
87869bc0 sent 0.0004 QUBIT to
86bbb59c sent 0.0004 QUBIT to
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54edcbbc sent 0.0004 QUBIT to
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76d2d73d sent 0.0004 QUBIT to
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48c1a43b sent 0.0004 QUBIT to
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44e8237d sent 0.0004 QUBIT to
6179709f sent 0.0004 QUBIT to
20a32481 sent 0.0004 QUBIT to