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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.0501 BTS
Lifetime fees paid36.5 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.0501
BRIDGE.BTC 0.00000001
OPTIONS.19AU025P 0.01
e96a7f29 sent 8.94 BTS to
b70344f3 sent 0.000557 BRIDGE.BTC to
8cfb5705 sent 444 BRIDGE.WC to
973cc63a cancel order
e9100aef cancel order
2586c851 cancel order
aff68559 wants 0.002022 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
29dbe66b cancel order
8c645210 wants 0.002036 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
dcfc8a7d cancel order
b767afc5 wants 0.00205 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
b70336e6 wants 0.002058 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
0736b85a cancel order
482dd94c wants 0.002062 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
52a70cf8 cancel order
b3fedd45 cancel order
3b0c82c8 wants 0.001876 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
50fa3141 wants 0.00189 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
9d7df12c cancel order
fcf489d9 cancel order
2ecf4dfb wants 0.001902 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
45f9b22b cancel order
a8b0ee23 wants 0.001916 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
b915b353 wants 0.00193 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
14fd5ea9 cancel order
561f1348 wants 0.001942 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
7c3fa98b cancel order
6697c9b4 wants 0.001956 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
82e5b8ce cancel order
d5169d9c wants 0.001964 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
9f805870 cancel order
404c881e wants 0.00197 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
56334893 cancel order
73658a58 wants 0.001982 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
bdf252bf cancel order
f8571841 wants 0.001996 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
d0949183 cancel order
fe2741b7 cancel order
b7577b93 wants 0.00201 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
50d217af cancel order
91e91891 wants 0.002022 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
fda2a069 wants 0.002036 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
0b6ec288 cancel order
0d2ca72f wants 0.00205 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
e3fe13a5 cancel order
1c19c271 wants 0.002062 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
e94524f9 cancel order
83cb115d cancel order
c273e9c0 wants 0.00187 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
f6ce4b10 cancel order
f37ddd5b wants 0.001885 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
46eb5fcd cancel order
d169264e wants 0.001898 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
dd52999a wants 0.00191 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
b05f48ef cancel order
30c1d0e3 wants 0.001925 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
832f766f cancel order
741652b8 wants 0.001938 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
5240efe0 cancel order
2ab2a9f3 wants 0.00195 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
b20b48eb cancel order
0700029a cancel order
19114937 wants 0.001965 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
dd796d54 wants 0.001978 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
0f49b30b cancel order
805809ab cancel order
812e9074 wants 0.00199 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
ce9e9920 wants 0.002 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
e26dcb44 cancel order
8cabf6f0 wants 0.002005 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
14b94fc3 cancel order
15ff445f wants 0.002018 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
3d85771d cancel order
452f7d24 wants 0.00203 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
fc575e42 cancel order
63cbadc0 cancel order
cef1773f wants 0.002045 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
843fd711 wants 0.002058 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
43ce839c cancel order
cce99ef4 wants 0.002062 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
66cdd99f cancel order
a4fbe618 wants 0.001876 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
ced10889 cancel order
7f28986e wants 0.00189 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
1f835fc7 cancel order
2bb22443 wants 0.001902 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
9f19edc5 cancel order
b378c543 wants 0.001916 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
45b0ce5b cancel order
e278c1b1 wants 0.00193 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
0503af8c cancel order
bd172245 cancel order
78cd9087 wants 0.001938 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
ffb2ba2b wants 0.001942 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
3dc8c849 cancel order
ece341c2 wants 0.001956 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
c8f5c01b cancel order
596222a5 wants 0.00197 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
83395082 cancel order
9e6e1cbf cancel order
ac11a6a4 wants 0.001982 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
ccaefb84 wants 0.001996 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
2ef225ef cancel order
419ad70d wants 0.00201 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
ae3417e5 cancel order
2a5374f7 wants 0.002022 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
8b760fca cancel order
c5c4a51a wants 0.002036 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
9d01dbb8 cancel order
073257a9 cancel order
6f844abd wants 0.00205 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
11e0a997 wants 0.002062 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
300cfc9c cancel order
8b353707 cancel order
27ac765a wants 0.001938 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
3d8e8b11 wants 0.001947 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
5ac86e81 cancel order
9bd5b33e wants 0.00195 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
f6f13be9 cancel order
21da6f15 wants 0.001965 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
08c82d9d cancel order
f44e67e6 wants 0.001978 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
7f94b0a3 cancel order
55ce5f3a cancel order
575b8b54 wants 0.00199 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
248c6e29 cancel order
94345435 wants 0.001996 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
77f9ba7a cancel order
ac85d01a wants 0.00201 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
30c9b55a wants 0.002022 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
7a502d0c cancel order
05ef573d wants 0.002036 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
4e641bbc cancel order
c427f403 cancel order
a76bcc89 wants 0.00205 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
e274b4b4 wants 0.002062 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
c1024b38 cancel order
99c6eafa wants 0.00187 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
01dddf14 cancel order
c6925be6 wants 0.001885 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
366665d4 cancel order
a347325a cancel order
87d8f59e wants 0.001893 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
4fcc9d56 wants 0.001898 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
4a5339d3 cancel order
3196876f cancel order
a89d58d6 wants 0.00191 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
5521faab cancel order
e033e0c9 wants 0.001925 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
48d7e410 cancel order
89aa41ff wants 0.001938 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
c2328fcf wants 0.00195 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
b3d5f480 cancel order
e10f8fa6 wants 0.001965 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
5500c7f4 cancel order
0596c34c cancel order
aa1f5a3e wants 0.001978 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
25b4ff65 cancel order
58326abe wants 0.00199 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
1f23053f wants 0.002005 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
d58ff41a cancel order
ce4d5391 wants 0.002013 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
9f420a68 cancel order
d222a5f9 wants 0.002018 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
f38fc4bc cancel order
1020dde3 wants 0.002027 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
525ea1a4 cancel order
722d0e6d wants 0.00203 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
a00e0acf cancel order
d07c330a cancel order
50694368 wants 0.002045 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
13ae14f6 cancel order
a2b5a736 wants 0.002058 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
191a69a6 wants 0.002062 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
355627aa cancel order
7887e3de wants 0.001876 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
48a8dc9b cancel order
5aa68815 wants 0.00189 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
baf37b74 cancel order
486af33a wants 0.001902 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
96921059 cancel order
2c6812a2 cancel order
bab513d1 wants 0.001916 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
88017fce cancel order
5b727b56 wants 0.00193 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
f7756555 cancel order
9da6db28 wants 0.001942 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
c931c632 wants 0.001956 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
0cfe8b07 cancel order
72c3db38 wants 0.001964 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
4fbc1824 cancel order
c768db62 wants 0.00197 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
4f2639f5 cancel order
8f19deae wants 0.001982 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
40d74088 cancel order
1b74f742 cancel order
53afa90e wants 0.001996 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
f60418a4 cancel order
f68149f2 wants 0.00201 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC
4d2dcd0b wants 0.002022 BRIDGE.BTC for 444 BRIDGE.WC