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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight29.5 BTS
Lifetime fees paid22.23 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 49.1
DEEX 0.1
PROTON 0.0005
XBTSX.STH 0.0665
OPTIONS.19DE020P 0.01
127cb0b5 sent 0.187 XBTSX.ETH to
b1d9659a sent 0.00084 BTS to
6e7fde4a sent 0.01947 BTS to
470121e5 wants 0.1873 XBTSX.ETH for 1,301 BTS
virtual paid 1,301 BTS for 0.1873 XBTSX.ETH
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
7f8b0001 wants 0.2027 XBTSX.ETH for 1,300 BTS
2d28b0fd wants 225.5 BTS for 0.001128 SPARKDEX.BTC
virtual paid 0.000498 SPARKDEX.BTC for 100 BTS
virtual paid 0.00063 SPARKDEX.BTC for 126 BTS
29d803f7 cancel order
d67e71bd wants 542 BTS for 0.001128 SPARKDEX.BTC
92942d09 wants 2.83 BTS for 0.000629 SPARKDEX.ETH
virtual paid 0.000629 SPARKDEX.ETH for 2.83 BTS
c12a9197 paid 245 CNY for 1,088 BTS
08f38b90 wants 1,088 BTS for 245 CNY
ff1f4cbd wants 0.0577 SPARKDEX.BTC for 27,462 BTS
virtual paid 4,667 BTS for 0.01 SPARKDEX.BTC
virtual paid 5,590 BTS for 0.01198 SPARKDEX.BTC
virtual paid 10,285 BTS for 0.0218 SPARKDEX.BTC
virtual paid 6,920 BTS for 0.01453 SPARKDEX.BTC
virtual cancel order
b939550d paid 296,263 ZEPH for 26,664 BTS
59d7c7e2 sent 2 BTS to
44a3012c wants 26,664 BTS for 296,263 ZEPH
e53e4dc8 wants 225 BTS for 27,939 ZEPH
virtual paid 27,939 ZEPH for 225 BTS
c5bbeeef wants 150 CNY for 37,500 ZEPH
virtual paid 0.0105 ZEPH for 0.0001 CNY
virtual paid 2,500 ZEPH for 22.74 CNY
virtual paid 2,500 ZEPH for 21.83 CNY
virtual paid 2,500 ZEPH for 20.9 CNY
virtual paid 2,500 ZEPH for 20 CNY
virtual paid 2,500 ZEPH for 19.1 CNY
virtual paid 2,500 ZEPH for 18.2 CNY
virtual paid 2,500 ZEPH for 17.28 CNY
virtual paid 2,500 ZEPH for 16.37 CNY
virtual paid 2,500 ZEPH for 15.46 CNY
virtual paid 2,500 ZEPH for 14.55 CNY
virtual paid 2,500 ZEPH for 13.64 CNY
virtual paid 2,500 ZEPH for 12.73 CNY
virtual paid 2,500 ZEPH for 11.82 CNY
virtual paid 2,500 ZEPH for 10.9 CNY
virtual paid 2,500 ZEPH for 10 CNY
virtual cancel order
6ac3b3bb cancel order
053215df wants 559 BTS for 13,809 ZEPH
virtual paid 2,914 ZEPH for 127.7 BTS
virtual paid 4,164 ZEPH for 175.4 BTS
virtual paid 6,731 ZEPH for 272.6 BTS
12511fcf wants 0.00459 SPARKDEX.BTC for 2,140 BTS
virtual paid 2,140 BTS for 0.00459 SPARKDEX.BTC
virtual cancel order
40e9a4e3 wants 1,925 BTS for 47,530 ZEPH
virtual paid 7,539 ZEPH for 372 BTS
virtual paid 7,688 ZEPH for 364 BTS
virtual paid 7,840 ZEPH for 357 BTS
virtual paid 7,995 ZEPH for 350 BTS
virtual paid 8,154 ZEPH for 343 BTS
virtual paid 8,315 ZEPH for 337 BTS
94ebaaf6 wants 5,852 BTS for 97,530 ZEPH
d7e87ee7 wants 0.027 SPARKDEX.BTC for 12,606 BTS
virtual paid 747 BTS for 0.001632 SPARKDEX.BTC
virtual paid 9,795 BTS for 0.0212 SPARKDEX.BTC
virtual paid 2,064 BTS for 0.00442 SPARKDEX.BTC
virtual cancel order
1c4059d8 wants 0.988 SPARKDEX.ETH for 5,859 BTS
virtual paid 5,859 BTS for 0.988 SPARKDEX.ETH
virtual cancel order
a2ff2694 wants 1,081 BTS for 21,090 ZEPH
virtual paid 6,800 ZEPH for 377 BTS
virtual paid 6,935 ZEPH for 370 BTS
virtual paid 7,355 ZEPH for 377 BTS
8d00ca35 wants 0.0705 ZEPH for 0.00435 BTS
virtual paid 0.00145 BTS for 0.0241 ZEPH
virtual paid 0.00145 BTS for 0.0238 ZEPH
virtual paid 0.00145 BTS for 0.0235 ZEPH
1190e728 wants 1,800 BTS for 34,983 ZEPH
virtual paid 34,983 ZEPH for 1,800 BTS
d7470f71 wants 1,900 BTS for 36,362 ZEPH
virtual paid 36,362 ZEPH for 1,900 BTS
3b7e547a wants 5,022 BTS for 100,447 ZEPH
virtual paid 49.5 ZEPH for 3.12 BTS
virtual paid 50.8 ZEPH for 3.12 BTS
virtual paid 1,067 ZEPH for 64 BTS
virtual paid 3,256 ZEPH for 187.7 BTS
virtual paid 1,000 ZEPH for 56 BTS
virtual paid 89.4 ZEPH for 5 BTS
virtual paid 1,000 ZEPH for 55.4 BTS
virtual paid 7,108 ZEPH for 394 BTS
virtual paid 1,000 ZEPH for 54.9 BTS
virtual paid 1,000 ZEPH for 54.3 BTS
virtual paid 93 ZEPH for 5 BTS
virtual paid 7,249 ZEPH for 386 BTS
virtual paid 96.7 ZEPH for 5 BTS
virtual paid 7,392 ZEPH for 379 BTS
virtual paid 20,000 ZEPH for 1,000 BTS
virtual paid 50,000 ZEPH for 2,500 BTS
3ee03df8 wants 6,498 BTS for 108,367 ZEPH
virtual paid 105,175 ZEPH for 6,400 BTS
virtual paid 3,193 ZEPH for 191.4 BTS
2360e9d5 cancel order
c6719e54 paid 308.6 ZEPH for 18.78 BTS
aed283db paid 2,852 ZEPH for 173.5 BTS
97422bd4 wants 7,280 BTS for 119,632 ZEPH
virtual paid 149.2 ZEPH for 10 BTS
virtual paid 40.3 ZEPH for 2.696 BTS
virtual paid 46.7 ZEPH for 3.09 BTS
virtual paid 11,682 ZEPH for 767 BTS
virtual paid 48.3 ZEPH for 3.12 BTS
virtual paid 0.0222 ZEPH for 0.00143 BTS
virtual paid 0.0225 ZEPH for 0.00143 BTS
virtual paid 0.0228 ZEPH for 0.00143 BTS
virtual paid 2,801 ZEPH for 174.7 BTS
virtual paid 0.0235 ZEPH for 0.00145 BTS
virtual paid 0.0235 ZEPH for 0.00143 BTS
32044688 paid 2,507 ZEPH for 152.6 BTS
1a5e7451 paid 1,205 ZEPH for 73.3 BTS
2fedc9aa paid 1,353 ZEPH for 82.3 BTS
982c502e paid 5.95 ZEPH for 0.362 BTS
15d83dd9 paid 1,203 ZEPH for 73.2 BTS
08bf72c6 paid 147.3 ZEPH for 8.96 BTS
7feaf2df paid 5,666 ZEPH for 345 BTS
virtual cancel order
793f4b56 wants 36,000 BTS for 300,000 ZEPH
21345249 wants 0.001122 SPARKDEX.ETH for 10 BTS
virtual paid 10 BTS for 0.001122 SPARKDEX.ETH
b6fec25b wants 0.25 SPARKDEX.ETH for 2,195 BTS
virtual paid 2,195 BTS for 0.25 SPARKDEX.ETH
03155b32 wants 907 BTS for 9,484 ZEPH
virtual paid 158 ZEPH for 15.48 BTS
virtual paid 158.4 ZEPH for 15.44 BTS
virtual paid 159.2 ZEPH for 15.44 BTS
virtual paid 614 ZEPH for 59.6 BTS
virtual paid 150 ZEPH for 14.53 BTS
virtual paid 4,104 ZEPH for 398 BTS
virtual paid 159.6 ZEPH for 15.4 BTS
virtual paid 168 ZEPH for 16.14 BTS
virtual paid 1,624 ZEPH for 155.5 BTS
virtual paid 619 ZEPH for 59.2 BTS
virtual paid 1,569 ZEPH for 150 BTS
a3a9d875 wants 90,909 ZEPH for 10,000 BTS
virtual paid 10,000 BTS for 90,909 ZEPH
b37432d1 wants 550 BTS for 4,529 ZEPH
virtual paid 25.1 ZEPH for 3.25 BTS
virtual paid 25.24 ZEPH for 3.24 BTS
virtual paid 888 ZEPH for 112.2 BTS
virtual paid 40.9 ZEPH for 5.03 BTS
virtual paid 25.53 ZEPH for 3.12 BTS
virtual paid 3,524 ZEPH for 428 BTS
608499ad paid 0.0001 ZEPH for 0.00001 BTS
c2d83628 wants 9,753 BTS for 80,960 ZEPH
virtual paid 4.79 ZEPH for 0.713 BTS
virtual paid 1,521 ZEPH for 224.7 BTS
virtual paid 23.55 ZEPH for 3.47 BTS
virtual paid 4,228 ZEPH for 621 BTS
virtual paid 23.66 ZEPH for 3.45 BTS
virtual paid 23.8 ZEPH for 3.44 BTS
virtual paid 4,312 ZEPH for 621 BTS
virtual paid 23.9 ZEPH for 3.42 BTS
virtual paid 4,102 ZEPH for 583 BTS
virtual paid 4,398 ZEPH for 621 BTS
virtual paid 237 ZEPH for 33 BTS
virtual paid 4,486 ZEPH for 621 BTS
virtual paid 611 ZEPH for 83.9 BTS
virtual paid 4,183 ZEPH for 572 BTS
virtual paid 4,576 ZEPH for 621 BTS
virtual paid 611 ZEPH for 82.7 BTS
virtual paid 18.64 ZEPH for 2.51 BTS
virtual paid 611 ZEPH for 81.6 BTS
virtual paid 4,668 ZEPH for 621 BTS
virtual paid 611 ZEPH for 80.4 BTS
virtual paid 4,266 ZEPH for 560 BTS
virtual paid 4,761 ZEPH for 621 BTS
virtual paid 611 ZEPH for 79.3 BTS
virtual paid 19.57 ZEPH for 2.51 BTS
virtual paid 611 ZEPH for 78.2 BTS
virtual paid 4,856 ZEPH for 621 BTS
virtual paid 611 ZEPH for 77.2 BTS
virtual paid 4,350 ZEPH for 550 BTS
virtual paid 4,953 ZEPH for 621 BTS
virtual paid 611 ZEPH for 76.1 BTS
virtual paid 611 ZEPH for 75 BTS
virtual paid 5,052 ZEPH for 621 BTS
virtual paid 4,614 ZEPH for 560 BTS
virtual paid 611 ZEPH for 74 BTS
virtual paid 5,153 ZEPH for 621 BTS
virtual cancel order
42190292 paid 0.75 BTS for 7.64 ZEPH
virtual paid 1.462 BTS for 14.88 ZEPH
virtual paid 7.32 BTS for 74.4 ZEPH
virtual paid 0.752 BTS for 7.62 ZEPH
virtual paid 1.47 BTS for 14.88 ZEPH
virtual paid 2.39 BTS for 24.14 ZEPH
virtual paid 0.754 BTS for 7.6 ZEPH
virtual paid 15.36 BTS for 154.8 ZEPH
virtual paid 7.7 BTS for 77.4 ZEPH