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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight1.178 BTS
Lifetime fees paid2.92 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 1.178
DEEX 0.1
MACHAIN 0.0923
TURION 0.0999
79bc30ea sent 0.0202 BRIDGE.CRCO to
10a166ee sent 0.01505 BRIDGE.BTC to
0b25d3e4 cancel order
8187cb1f wants 119 BRIDGE.CCC for 0.01505 BRIDGE.BTC
03b5ac55 paid 46.3 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.01508 BRIDGE.BTC
197cf9ae wants 0.01508 BRIDGE.BTC for 46.3 BRIDGE.PPO
5325582d paid 0.0102 BRIDGE.BTC for 46.4 BRIDGE.PPO
912717db wants 46.4 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0102 BRIDGE.BTC
47353710 paid 9.42 BRIDGE.CCC for 0.00659 BRIDGE.BTC
eb6ca1d7 paid 5.19 BRIDGE.CCC for 0.00363 BRIDGE.BTC
212797bd wants 0.01023 BRIDGE.BTC for 14.6 BRIDGE.CCC
70d98313 paid 0.00835 BRIDGE.BTC for 14.64 BRIDGE.CCC
4357e107 wants 14.64 BRIDGE.CCC for 0.00835 BRIDGE.BTC
4cb49166 cancel order
d126d2bb wants 16.27 BRIDGE.CCC for 0.00835 BRIDGE.BTC
aba4f518 paid 11.73 BRIDGE.CCC for 0.00836 BRIDGE.BTC
3dfc3cdc wants 0.00836 BRIDGE.BTC for 11.73 BRIDGE.CCC
6b47a0d2 cancel order
f9562fb3 wants 0.00974 BRIDGE.BTC for 11.73 BRIDGE.CCC
7a488998 paid 0.00838 BRIDGE.BTC for 11.75 BRIDGE.CCC
b198dd9e wants 11.75 BRIDGE.CCC for 0.00838 BRIDGE.BTC
8f7f3c88 cancel order
512e9fd4 wants 11.17 BRIDGE.CCC for 0.00838 BRIDGE.BTC
c1fe55c3 cancel order
5bf2d6a5 wants 11.57 BRIDGE.CCC for 0.00838 BRIDGE.BTC
53265abd cancel order
ecfe9bf9 wants 12.1 BRIDGE.CCC for 0.00838 BRIDGE.BTC
2601642c cancel order
f37680e8 wants 12.11 BRIDGE.CCC for 0.00838 BRIDGE.BTC
37d435db cancel order
c66dcaff wants 12.14 BRIDGE.CCC for 0.00838 BRIDGE.BTC
61d7681d cancel order
aad867c3 wants 11.7 BRIDGE.CCC for 0.00838 BRIDGE.BTC
5b0b1778 paid 10.56 BRIDGE.CCC for 0.0084 BRIDGE.BTC
5fb27633 wants 0.0084 BRIDGE.BTC for 10.56 BRIDGE.CCC
69b3d3d6 paid 0.0079 BRIDGE.BTC for 10.58 BRIDGE.CCC
8f98791d wants 10.58 BRIDGE.CCC for 0.0079 BRIDGE.BTC
3553f3bc cancel order
000d9b2f wants 10.72 BRIDGE.CCC for 0.0079 BRIDGE.BTC
a6ca8af5 cancel order
7e87a005 wants 10.8 BRIDGE.CCC for 0.0079 BRIDGE.BTC
5cc7d335 cancel order
23c7609e wants 12.17 BRIDGE.CCC for 0.0079 BRIDGE.BTC
001e3aea cancel order
91a7703f wants 11.06 BRIDGE.CCC for 0.0079 BRIDGE.BTC
3e717d8d cancel order
5050ca20 wants 11.97 BRIDGE.CCC for 0.0079 BRIDGE.BTC
3b25fcec cancel order
85fe7965 wants 13.86 BRIDGE.CCC for 0.0079 BRIDGE.BTC
7235908d paid 12.24 BRIDGE.CCC for 0.00792 BRIDGE.BTC
54f4e8ab wants 0.00792 BRIDGE.BTC for 12.24 BRIDGE.CCC
c67d3436 paid 0.00592 BRIDGE.BTC for 12.26 BRIDGE.CCC
c5333086 wants 12.26 BRIDGE.CCC for 0.00592 BRIDGE.BTC
d233b3a7 cancel order
fdd3569b wants 2.69 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00592 BRIDGE.BTC
6cce37e7 paid 6.7 BRIDGE.CCC for 0.00318 BRIDGE.BTC
577fa7aa wants 0.00318 BRIDGE.BTC for 6.7 BRIDGE.CCC
9cdbd1c7 wants 0.00247 BRIDGE.BTC for 6.13 BRIDGE.CCC
virtual paid 6.13 BRIDGE.CCC for 0.00247 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
b5af27df cancel order
37d74a34 wants 0.00706 BRIDGE.BTC for 12.83 BRIDGE.CCC
42528fed paid 0.00517 BRIDGE.BTC for 12.85 BRIDGE.CCC
3189d106 wants 12.85 BRIDGE.CCC for 0.00517 BRIDGE.BTC
bc4d10f4 sent 0.002825 BRIDGE.BTC to
6de03980 paid 11.45 BRIDGE.CCC for 0.00801 BRIDGE.BTC
4194db09 wants 0.00801 BRIDGE.BTC for 11.45 BRIDGE.CCC
06182ecb paid 0.00703 BRIDGE.BTC for 11.47 BRIDGE.CCC
fc343d89 wants 11.47 BRIDGE.CCC for 0.00703 BRIDGE.BTC
95f2b759 cancel order
2cdb2e52 wants 10.45 BRIDGE.CCC for 0.00703 BRIDGE.BTC
eae8b8cb cancel order
e779d007 wants 10.45 BRIDGE.CCC for 0.00703 BRIDGE.BTC
5158e978 cancel order
26d06d23 wants 11.16 BRIDGE.CCC for 0.00703 BRIDGE.BTC
5bd531eb cancel order
64c7feb7 wants 3.04 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.00703 BRIDGE.BTC
ea519c7f cancel order
e16031e9 wants 11.16 BRIDGE.CCC for 0.00703 BRIDGE.BTC
dd6c8a31 wants 1.5 BTS for 0.0000234 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0000234 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.5 BTS
bc4c8d55 cancel order
c883b70c wants 1.6 BTS for 0.0000246 BRIDGE.BTC
9c5a34e8 cancel order
5e2a92cc wants 12.54 BRIDGE.CCC for 0.00706 BRIDGE.BTC
165c1738 cancel order
5999e53e wants 12.14 BRIDGE.CCC for 0.00706 BRIDGE.BTC
7af14ae1 paid 10.1 BRIDGE.CCC for 0.00707 BRIDGE.BTC
345dbe3b wants 0.00707 BRIDGE.BTC for 10.1 BRIDGE.CCC
632e3eba cancel order
e2ad8456 wants 0.00797 BRIDGE.BTC for 10.1 BRIDGE.CCC
08160336 paid 0.00637 BRIDGE.BTC for 10.12 BRIDGE.CCC
ffd78abb wants 10.12 BRIDGE.CCC for 0.00637 BRIDGE.BTC
afca7788 paid 21.08 BRIDGE.SMK for 0.0059 BRIDGE.BTC
3132702e wants 0.0059 BRIDGE.BTC for 21.08 BRIDGE.SMK
dea3ca81 cancel order
0e2fe578 wants 0.00793 BRIDGE.BTC for 21.08 BRIDGE.SMK
19ecea25 cancel order
3423e446 wants 0.00664 BRIDGE.BTC for 21.08 BRIDGE.SMK
2567b1d5 cancel order
e1d111cf wants 0.00801 BRIDGE.BTC for 21.08 BRIDGE.SMK
47451d91 cancel order
34fb089f wants 0.00883 BRIDGE.BTC for 21.08 BRIDGE.SMK
2b7fb05e cancel order
e1549e9d wants 0.00898 BRIDGE.BTC for 21.08 BRIDGE.SMK
6a7eee64 cancel order
34c839f4 wants 0.00917 BRIDGE.BTC for 21.08 BRIDGE.SMK
aab27a75 cancel order
0aed59ef wants 0.00986 BRIDGE.BTC for 21.08 BRIDGE.SMK
b8bd48dc cancel order
504c374c wants 0.01023 BRIDGE.BTC for 21.08 BRIDGE.SMK
4e57c9c6 cancel order
778fa7ea paid 1 BRIDGE.SMK for 0.000486 BRIDGE.BTC
e03f6cf0 wants 0.01074 BRIDGE.BTC for 22.1 BRIDGE.SMK
db01dff0 paid 0.00841 BRIDGE.BTC for 22.13 BRIDGE.SMK
24358a89 wants 22.13 BRIDGE.SMK for 0.00841 BRIDGE.BTC
a0442125 cancel order
d0985329 wants 21.45 BRIDGE.SMK for 0.00841 BRIDGE.BTC
c872ee72 cancel order
679d2a8f wants 22.36 BRIDGE.SMK for 0.00841 BRIDGE.BTC
c818ea35 cancel order
5b06edd2 wants 24.96 BRIDGE.SMK for 0.00841 BRIDGE.BTC
04035fb0 paid 19.64 BRIDGE.SMK for 0.00843 BRIDGE.BTC
84efbd19 wants 0.00843 BRIDGE.BTC for 19.64 BRIDGE.SMK
3cdc7c31 cancel order
938b9534 wants 0.00937 BRIDGE.BTC for 19.64 BRIDGE.SMK
0757d12b cancel order
f750ca7d wants 98.2 BRIDGE.BTC for 19.64 BRIDGE.SMK
582621bc paid 0.00754 BRIDGE.BTC for 19.7 BRIDGE.SMK
b383c2ad wants 19.7 BRIDGE.SMK for 0.00754 BRIDGE.BTC
152ca0da cancel order
fd0b7131 wants 18.8 BRIDGE.SMK for 0.0072 BRIDGE.BTC
ed19e1c5 cancel order
ed37aeab wants 18.8 BRIDGE.SMK for 0.00754 BRIDGE.BTC
34afd82e cancel order
43b70697 wants 18.85 BRIDGE.SMK for 0.00754 BRIDGE.BTC
e6f89ec5 paid 14.4 BRIDGE.SMK for 0.00756 BRIDGE.BTC
7e3112ce wants 0.00756 BRIDGE.BTC for 14.4 BRIDGE.SMK
f3ab60fb paid 0.00599 BRIDGE.BTC for 14.43 BRIDGE.SMK
d9d86356 wants 14.43 BRIDGE.SMK for 0.00599 BRIDGE.BTC
ca777884 cancel order
91699414 wants 14.97 BRIDGE.SMK for 0.00599 BRIDGE.BTC
dd288c14 cancel order
efb68a4b wants 0.1172 BRIDGE.FOIN for 0.00599 BRIDGE.BTC
34b68410 sent 0.506 BRIDGE.LTC to
4999b8fb wants 0.5 BRIDGE.LTC for 0.0061 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0061 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.5 BRIDGE.LTC
f692617d paid 96.6 BRIDGE.SHARD for 0.002124 BRIDGE.BTC
90cc884b wants 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC for 208 BRIDGE.ESCO
virtual paid 208 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC
359016e5 cancel order
def574a0 wants 0.0104 BRIDGE.BTC for 208 BRIDGE.ESCO
41b0f640 cancel order
eb616a62 wants 0.01097 BRIDGE.BTC for 208 BRIDGE.ESCO
2404aa1c cancel order
f64b5e9b wants 0.0114 BRIDGE.BTC for 208 BRIDGE.ESCO
225bb739 sent 8.53 ESCODEX.ESCO to
83c053fb wants 8.67 ESCODEX.ESCO for 0.00045 ESCODEX.BTC
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ffd10b52 sent 199.6 ESCODEX.ESCO to
57e5fc64 cancel order
b142232a cancel order
ef42339e wants 0.01058 ESCODEX.BTC for 199.6 ESCODEX.ESCO
923b3c51 cancel order
615dfdba wants 8.09 ESCODEX.ESCO for 0.000288 ESCODEX.BTC
fd2f32f2 wants 0.01136 ESCODEX.BTC for 199.6 ESCODEX.ESCO
f34c17bb cancel order
08e60bac cancel order
462a6506 cancel order
a4c6d3e7 cancel order
3bbf1d18 wants 0.00263 ESCODEX.BTC for 49.6 ESCODEX.ESCO
000df1e7 wants 0.0026 ESCODEX.BTC for 50 ESCODEX.ESCO
3e66aab9 cancel order
2f506e8d wants 0.00256 ESCODEX.BTC for 50 ESCODEX.ESCO
5f9874c7 wants 0.002575 ESCODEX.BTC for 50 ESCODEX.ESCO
66e35a55 wants 0.00255 ESCODEX.BTC for 50 ESCODEX.ESCO
e27741eb cancel order
fff983d3 wants 0.01177 ESCODEX.BTC for 199.6 ESCODEX.ESCO
f5f35d4e cancel order
cae6f328 wants 0.01058 ESCODEX.BTC for 199.6 ESCODEX.ESCO
47e55252 cancel order
5efaca6f wants 0.01177 ESCODEX.BTC for 199.6 ESCODEX.ESCO
728d8d2e cancel order
06222b32 wants 0.01238 ESCODEX.BTC for 199.6 ESCODEX.ESCO
19a2902a cancel order
19b59d32 paid 7.27 ESCODEX.ESCO for 0.000462 ESCODEX.BTC
310bc489 wants 0.01314 ESCODEX.BTC for 207 ESCODEX.ESCO
b1c69571 cancel order
ce02f599 wants 0.01324 ESCODEX.BTC for 207 ESCODEX.ESCO
f19b99e5 cancel order
c8b36913 wants 0.01345 ESCODEX.BTC for 207 ESCODEX.ESCO
697c9a0e cancel order
5868d21e wants 0.01366 ESCODEX.BTC for 207 ESCODEX.ESCO
2c5d0263 cancel order
53d34407 wants 0.01386 ESCODEX.BTC for 207 ESCODEX.ESCO
f95dc12b cancel order
de675248 wants 0.01381 ESCODEX.BTC for 207 ESCODEX.ESCO
95ebd33b cancel order
928aa7f1 wants 0.01407 ESCODEX.BTC for 207 ESCODEX.ESCO
af9de7d5 cancel order
ce136878 wants 0.01417 ESCODEX.BTC for 207 ESCODEX.ESCO