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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight183 BTS
Lifetime fees paid8.42 BTS
Registrar-30% -
Referrer110% -


Asset Balance
BTS 86.5
CNY 0.572
PENHH 55,540
OPTIONS.19NO025C 0.01
c9d15556 sent 1,465 ADW to
086c5851 cancel order
fe876fff wants 328 CNY for 55,540 PENHH
e5919b77 sent 803 CNY to
6a9a36ce cancel order
2d47d93c wants 1,110 CNY for 201,790 PENHH
virtual paid 146,250 PENHH for 804 CNY
5d7359a8 sent 1,465 ADW to
0fa270f6 paid 52,367 CNY for 201,800 PENHH
0ffd8130 wants 201,800 PENHH for 52,367 CNY
6ee9f90e wants 52,420 CNY for 202,314 PENHH
virtual paid 38,776 PENHH for 10,047 CNY
virtual paid 163,538 PENHH for 42,373 CNY
virtual cancel order
ee679fef paid 51,208 CNY for 201,130 PENHH
5753379e wants 202,324 PENHH for 51,512 CNY
virtual paid 304 CNY for 1,194 PENHH
5623b15a sent 3,000 CNY to
07443804 sent 11,000 CNY to
51f4fb4b wants 32,644 CNY for 132,539 PENHH
virtual paid 80,571 PENHH for 19,845 CNY
virtual paid 51,968 PENHH for 12,800 CNY
virtual cancel order
45fd92f4 sent 50 BTS to
5ede148b paid 22,032 CNY for 93,913 PENHH
add71832 paid 9,065 CNY for 38,640 PENHH
a18d37ef wants 132,553 PENHH for 31,097 CNY
17028b61 sent 468 CNY to
520e02d7 paid 134,419 PENHH for 31,588 CNY
48cc4668 paid 34.2 PENHH for 8.04 CNY
78c441f9 wants 31,596 CNY for 134,453 PENHH
abf97568 sent 20 BTS to
802bf9a0 paid 29,197 CNY for 130,578 PENHH
e47e440e paid 563 CNY for 2,517 PENHH
0c3c0a5a wants 134,463 PENHH for 30,066 CNY
virtual paid 306 CNY for 1,368 PENHH
695b8fb4 sent 10,000 CNY to
16286438 sent 10 BTS to
783dd001 sent 10 BTS to
97bcd703 sent 20,000 CNY to
6dad3402 sent 30,000 CNY to
fd62ea3b sent 10 BTS to
2e0c232a sent 1 BTS to