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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.0232 BTS
Lifetime fees paid4.06 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.0232
CNY 2.076
BADCOIN 10,000
ZALUPA 0.008
ROYAL 0.021
QUBIT 0.0004
APPLECOM 0.00001
TESLACOM 0.00001
CISCOCOM 0.00001
FORDCOM 0.00001
DGGD 0.00009
acc65277 sent 1 DECENTRALIZED to
3505fce6 sent 1 INTERACTIVE to
9e9f51a5 sent 4,700 CNY to
99877517 wants 4,676 CNY for 5,633 BTS
virtual paid 185.4 BTS for 155 CNY
virtual paid 1,429 BTS for 1,194 CNY
virtual paid 4,019 BTS for 3,358 CNY
virtual cancel order
0d564378 cancel order
0ac422bc wants 4,788 CNY for 5,633 BTS
c99b8590 cancel order
928cdd5e wants 4,901 CNY for 5,633 BTS
77302b56 cancel order
027fe816 wants 49,011 CNY for 5,633 BTS
41e2d018 cancel order
06011ffb wants 5,408 CNY for 5,633 BTS
2fe5fb6a cancel order
ceb98a2f wants 5,352 CNY for 5,633 BTS
a2b54f7c cancel order
77520e12 wants 4,760 CNY for 5,600 BTS
3ee7c3d5 paid 393 CNY for 460 BTS
9f30acff paid 855 CNY for 1,000 BTS
3c19ff28 paid 1,120 CNY for 1,310 BTS
63d1b818 paid 39.8 CNY for 46.6 BTS
6776126d wants 2,817 BTS for 2,407 CNY
a78426c1 cancel order
2a9aea12 paid 1,497 CNY for 1,752 BTS
76108c8e wants 2,817 BTS for 2,407 CNY
virtual paid 796 CNY for 931 BTS
virtual paid 114.3 CNY for 133.8 BTS
336632f8 wants 2,825 BTS for 2,407 CNY
077f81ac paid 1,322 DGGD for 1,335 CNY
5461d44d paid 983 DGGD for 992 CNY
virtual cancel order
87a67cbe wants 1,334 CNY for 1,322 DGGD
virtual paid 338 DGGD for 341 CNY
c714a998 wants 1,335 CNY for 1,322 DGGD
c05539cd paid 881 DGGD for 854 CNY
5caf235a wants 854 CNY for 881 DGGD
72baeb22 paid 1,175 DGGD for 1,134 CNY
d74d6d9d wants 1,134 CNY for 1,175 DGGD
8f488f92 wants 90 CNY for 100 DGGD
virtual paid 10 DGGD for 9.28 CNY
virtual paid 90 DGGD for 82.8 CNY
d2a5b59f sent 1 CNY to
30fea865 sent 1 CNY to
f6d64915 sent 1 CNY to
60ba646c sent 1 CNY to
ec326af2 sent 1 CNY to
ca2c9599 sent 1 CNY to
058358a7 sent 1 CNY to
b767d61c sent 1 CNY to
bfa343eb sent 1 CNY to
c8b2a82e sent 1 CNY to
ab09210a sent 2 CNY to
b5bfb430 sent 1 CNY to
7c479ea3 sent 1 CNY to
17cf5753 sent 1 CNY to
1ea33c4f sent 1 CNY to
e99f8108 sent 1 CNY to
ea50431e sent 1 CNY to
4d737469 sent 1 CNY to
b462cb28 sent 1 CNY to
60b2105e sent 1 CNY to
f4f94a8b sent 1 CNY to
e36abca0 sent 1 CNY to
f684491d sent 1 CNY to
904a3c74 paid 49.9 DGGD for 46.9 CNY
virtual paid 50 DGGD for 47 CNY
995ac83f wants 47 CNY for 50 DGGD
97fb45df paid 0.0548 DGGD for 0.0515 CNY
e29b5db9 wants 47 CNY for 50 DGGD
68f521c5 sent 1 CNY to
42589be5 sent 1 CNY to
ab583a95 sent 490 CNY to
018d6a9a paid 50 DGGD for 48.2 CNY
3d255442 wants 48.2 CNY for 50 DGGD
341ba58b wants 48.9 CNY for 50 DGGD
virtual paid 50 DGGD for 48.9 CNY
virtual cancel order
092a00c8 paid 50 DGGD for 45 CNY
a8fd6597 wants 45 CNY for 50 DGGD
2b21b993 paid 50 DGGD for 44.5 CNY
bc83638b wants 44.5 CNY for 50 DGGD
6bd8ce7f paid 50 DGGD for 46 CNY
a3eff06c wants 46 CNY for 50 DGGD
09dbf647 paid 199.5 DGGD for 176.6 CNY
d013c535 paid 100.5 DGGD for 89 CNY
ebb2e88a wants 265.5 CNY for 300 DGGD
6c2ca19b sent 6,950 CNY to
95aeeb82 paid 3,041 BTS for 5,353 CNY
0d11b1a2 paid 2.834 BTS for 4.99 CNY
0942c997 paid 495 BTS for 872 CNY
7e3ac132 paid 2.833 BTS for 4.99 CNY
889fd6bb paid 400 BTS for 703 CNY
4b44b15e wants 6,937 CNY for 3,942 BTS
e2b4c601 sent 4,300 CNY to
1596e113 paid 1,880 BTS for 3,121 CNY
772796fe wants 3,121 CNY for 1,880 BTS
b13d9fba cancel order
aff9e7dc paid 713 BTS for 1,185 CNY
d7b43946 paid 4.45 BTS for 7.39 CNY
abe7387b wants 4,319 CNY for 2,600 BTS
25f553e4 sent 300 CNY to
0cb704a7 paid 71.4 BTS for 113.5 CNY
842c2699 paid 118.6 BTS for 188.6 CNY
677324dd wants 302 CNY for 190 BTS
98989a5d sent 13,550 CNY to
e8ba15b5 cancel order
2af225f6 paid 2,389 CNY for 1,551 BTS
344506ea paid 977 CNY for 635 BTS
6ce23bcf paid 1,812 CNY for 1,169 BTS
65adaf14 paid 713 CNY for 460 BTS
e7c647b2 wants 1,629 BTS for 2,525 CNY
922ecaa0 wants 2,186 BTS for 3,366 CNY
bf731f0f paid 2,915 BTS for 4,490 CNY
f705a8a8 wants 4,490 CNY for 2,915 BTS
c8f93034 cancel order
03f11c88 wants 4,507 CNY for 2,915 BTS
1fcb7f23 paid 8,979 CNY for 5,831 BTS
f0fade4c wants 5,831 BTS for 8,979 CNY
1aa77948 wants 4,276 BTS for 5,986 CNY
aa3321ea paid 11,086 BTS for 19,357 CNY
451cbe63 paid 2,137 BTS for 3,727 CNY
da3ce8cb wants 3,727 CNY for 2,137 BTS
abb76c09 cancel order
e76306c5 wants 19,357 CNY for 11,086 BTS
803c41e0 adjust collateral by -11,086 BTS, debt by -6,300 CNY
fee9a5d4 adjust collateral by 0 BTS, debt by -2,000 CNY
f7f778a5 paid 2,492 BTS for 4,611 CNY
4f0990ac wants 4,273 CNY for 2,137 BTS
3df531bb adjust collateral by -2,137 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
d557bced wants 4,611 CNY for 2,492 BTS
33e82a44 adjust collateral by -2,492 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
441950fe paid 802 BTS for 1,459 CNY
4b2efbcf paid 118.3 BTS for 215.4 CNY
98536cff paid 1,111 BTS for 2,023 CNY
85d10d9d paid 358 BTS for 652 CNY
eb20fda1 paid 85.2 BTS for 155 CNY
4c8d3f14 paid 42.6 BTS for 77.6 CNY
8ac10c42 wants 4,582 CNY for 2,517 BTS
df857022 cancel order
91584510 wants 4,603 CNY for 2,517 BTS
c604c148 adjust collateral by -2,140 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
e12f3bb1 paid 500 CNY for 323 BTS
91e2c068 wants 323 BTS for 500 CNY
90bdca35 adjust collateral by 1,116 BTS, debt by 500 CNY
d0c45e23 paid 2,000 CNY for 1,137 BTS
008ba4e8 wants 1,137 BTS for 2,000 CNY
f24e2843 adjust collateral by 2,203 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
59734adc adjust collateral by -137.6 BTS, debt by 2,000 CNY
8a74a392 adjust collateral by -907 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
59390395 adjust collateral by -1,192 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
1376fb87 adjust collateral by 0 BTS, debt by -876 CNY
2bf255a7 paid 663 BTS for 877 CNY
1bde21e7 wants 877 CNY for 663 BTS
ca32fdcf adjust collateral by -652 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
8843b3fc sent 6,000 BTS to
4cbcf8bb adjust collateral by -4,002 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
f99a2ce9 cancel order
dac1a48d wants 3,215 CNY for 2,009 BTS
af635733 adjust collateral by -2,009 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
59992293 adjust collateral by 0 BTS, debt by -1,664 CNY
4ac28c10 paid 1,387 BTS for 1,664 CNY
f1219585 wants 1,664 CNY for 1,387 BTS
e1e54209 adjust collateral by -1,387 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
7f2ad4d9 adjust collateral by 0 BTS, debt by -2,700 CNY
511042ab paid 1,619 BTS for 1,705 CNY
virtual cancel order
bdade6e2 wants 2,698 CNY for 2,562 BTS
virtual paid 943 BTS for 995 CNY
702e5e57 cancel order
64d2d4ba cancel order
e0d4d8fa wants 1,657 CNY for 1,275 BTS
b517c986 adjust collateral by -1,275 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
67a345ac wants 1,532 CNY for 1,288 BTS
0025d951 adjust collateral by -1,288 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
4b87c506 adjust collateral by 0 BTS, debt by -960 CNY
108542ac paid 718 BTS for 847 CNY
ecd3bff7 wants 847 CNY for 718 BTS
8a28a36e paid 100 BTS for 117.5 CNY
1cae1789 wants 117.5 CNY for 100 BTS
d2ae77c2 cancel order
cfa50684 wants 118 CNY for 100 BTS
b20112d2 cancel order
6ab78620 wants 119.7 CNY for 100 BTS
c773c4d1 adjust collateral by -558 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
6007d286 cancel order
9af88c07 wants 304.6 CNY for 259.6 BTS
b8ca1996 sent 14,000 BTS to
5164cd02 cancel order
e6c43bcd wants 6,000 CNY for 632 BTS
79c4df23 adjust collateral by -10,131 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
8c691dca cancel order
5f21863c adjust collateral by 2,395 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
d2f97c14 wants 2,313 BTS for 2,000 CNY
virtual paid 1,228 CNY for 1,420 BTS
virtual paid 772 CNY for 893 BTS
cd2dae8c adjust collateral by 128.9 BTS, debt by 2,000 CNY
5f713d5d wants 4,000 CNY for 4,000 BTS
5bfc50e0 cancel order
b461ac57 wants 3,600 CNY for 3,273 BTS