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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.00322 BTS
Lifetime fees paid4.97 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 0.107 0
XBTSX.STH 0.628 0
SUNNY 0 550,000
2e517fd9 sent 7 BTS to
196f7276 sent 7,232,000 SUNNY to
f70ae9b1 cancel order
3add5117 cancel order
e4df6f6d cancel order
a9d42330 cancel order
e1877495 sent 8 BTS to
1b5b46c1 sent 62,000 SUNNY to
e04607f0 sent 60,000 SUNNY to
d8630be1 sent 62,000 SUNNY to
bbb7f6a2 sent 60,000 SUNNY to
95149eac sent 62,000 SUNNY to
5fbd9219 sent 56,000 SUNNY to
f7347ec9 sent 62,000 SUNNY to
5c0afc31 sent 62,000 SUNNY to
d9596d22 wants 5,010 CNY for 200,000 SUNNY
c91f2b43 wants 5,100 CNY for 200,000 SUNNY
fdbfaa96 wants 2,650 CNY for 100,000 SUNNY
1fd54465 wants 1,300 CNY for 50,000 SUNNY
e3e80d35 cancel order
466477d6 cancel order
4465ba1f wants 13,000 CNY for 500,000 SUNNY
bca0a84f wants 12,525 CNY for 500,000 SUNNY
f57121ba sent 1,515 CNY to
8f40b637 sent 60 BTS to
c41a60ed sent 5,000 SUNNY to
683e7fbc cancel order
fd790618 cancel order
df4c527f cancel order
6c5b2534 cancel order
9f822642 cancel order
86d9fda5 cancel order
054be398 cancel order
07ad7948 cancel order
57b9bfae sent 350 BTS to
5287b05d wants 349 BTS for 90.3 CNY
virtual paid 90.3 CNY for 349 BTS
2c84e379 cancel order
622c8b56 paid 0.961 CNY for 3.73 BTS
8966b313 wants 350 BTS for 90.3 CNY
08d58e42 sent 2,000,000 ZCTKS to
ace7fc6c wants 6,000 CNY for 200,000 SUNNY
303fbbfc wants 2,900 CNY for 100,000 SUNNY
7dbc3207 wants 1,400 CNY for 50,000 SUNNY
85624a80 wants 1,350 CNY for 50,000 SUNNY
902cf7da wants 1,300 CNY for 50,000 SUNNY
7d1affb5 paid 125 CNY for 5,000 SUNNY
c86a2ab2 sent 82,000 SUNNY to
46049c01 wants 30,000 SUNNY for 675 CNY
86426580 wants 20,000 SUNNY for 470 CNY
ee13b8a5 wants 10,000 SUNNY for 250 CNY
87eafe78 sent 500 BTS to
f554e79a wants 500 BTS for 154.4 CNY
virtual paid 140 CNY for 454 BTS
c5de3e15 paid 14.4 CNY for 46.6 BTS
cf50b7ab paid 100,000 ZCTKS for 1,888 CNY
55c30e86 wants 1,888 CNY for 100,000 ZCTKS