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BitShares Block Explorer



Lifetime fees paid6.89 BTS
Registrar-20% -
Referrer100% -


Asset Balance Orders
SKYCOIN 179.6 0
SHELLCOIN 63,200 140,699
MZCOIN 398 0
SHIHUCOIN 5,968,113 5,968,113
SUNCOIN2 66,029 66,000
SHPGCOIN 100,943 100,000
LIQUORCOIN 99,364 99,364
SHCNY 2,964,311 0
BRIKCOIN 108.6 0
bcff1923 sent 179.6 SKYCOIN to
0ab44b91 sent 180 SKYCOIN to
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
7872c4eb sent 91,443 SHELLCOIN to
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
7c6561e4 paid 30.5 SHELLCOIN for 3.05 SKYCOIN
4c455435 paid 30.6 SHELLCOIN for 3.06 SKYCOIN
4c455435 paid 35.8 LIQUORCOIN for 30.45 SHELLCOIN
ad71bf93 paid 40.5 SHELLCOIN for 4.05 SKYCOIN
436e6ac5 paid 40.6 SHELLCOIN for 4.06 SKYCOIN
d028b629 paid 40.7 SHELLCOIN for 4.07 SKYCOIN
9966c305 paid 40.7 SHELLCOIN for 4.07 SKYCOIN
dbe000af paid 85.6 SHELLCOIN for 8.56 SKYCOIN
dbe000af paid 100.2 LIQUORCOIN for 85.2 SHELLCOIN
86bace50 paid 90.8 SHELLCOIN for 9.08 SKYCOIN
6c2c95f2 paid 99.1 SHELLCOIN for 9.91 SKYCOIN
88d1de2f paid 99.4 SHELLCOIN for 9.94 SKYCOIN
cc5c7846 paid 101 SHELLCOIN for 10.1 SKYCOIN
71a0fe92 paid 101.4 SHELLCOIN for 10.14 SKYCOIN
b5158639 paid 101.8 SHELLCOIN for 10.18 SKYCOIN
9c62c5de paid 102.6 SHELLCOIN for 10.26 SKYCOIN
8d71b76c paid 103 SHELLCOIN for 10.3 SKYCOIN
e13a2828 paid 103.5 SHELLCOIN for 10.35 SKYCOIN
740b59c1 paid 104 SHELLCOIN for 10.4 SKYCOIN
b673400d paid 107.6 SHELLCOIN for 10.76 SKYCOIN
98d34362 paid 108 SHELLCOIN for 10.8 SKYCOIN
e5949f98 paid 108.5 SHELLCOIN for 10.85 SKYCOIN
a076fa83 paid 161 SHELLCOIN for 16.1 SKYCOIN
62cd47b9 cancel order
550c545a cancel order
1febe354 cancel order
93a15e15 paid 20,000 YONGBANGCOIN for 10,000 SHELLCOIN
282a33f5 wants 98,406 SHELLCOIN for 1,968,113 SHIHUCOIN
74fce962 sent 99,495 AYNRANDCOIN to
74591a73 sent 44,220 SUNCOIN2 to
25c8ad0e sent 27,135 MZCOIN to
b6feb728 sent 678,375 SHELLCOIN to
d115d479 cancel order
e7e5fd4a cancel order
b990fce2 cancel order
2df9e4c7 sent 348,735 SHPGCOIN to
7104b0a6 cancel order
54d96b6c cancel order
c86bd5cd cancel order
36d8c7d1 cancel order
f4345428 cancel order
62367c60 cancel order
7525e019 sent 48,240 BRIKCOIN to
56415da9 sent 99,495 AIONIOSLIFECOIN to
e88184a8 wants 10,000 SHELLCOIN for 20,000 YONGBANGCOIN
67d12ffa cancel order
8aefa287 paid 35,121 YONGBANGCOIN for 17,560 SHELLCOIN
4357fbd4 paid 100,000 YONGBANGCOIN for 40,000 SHELLCOIN
5e91a8e1 sent 351,750 BRIKCOIN to
25847373 sent 3,015,000 SHPGCOIN to
f79512d9 wants 250,000 SHELLCOIN for 1,000,000 SHIHUCOIN
17369bae wants 100,000 SHELLCOIN for 1,000,000 SHIHUCOIN
98f546a0 wants 200,000 SHELLCOIN for 1,000,000 SHIHUCOIN
bad4f1a1 wants 300,000 SHELLCOIN for 1,000,000 SHIHUCOIN
85d276e2 cancel order
71aebe72 paid 4,000 SHELLCOIN for 400,000 SHIHUCOIN
eac7a7f8 paid 1,000 SHELLCOIN for 100,000 SHIHUCOIN
b4bf3c05 paid 1,000 SHELLCOIN for 100,000 SHIHUCOIN
47cffab6 paid 1,000 SHELLCOIN for 100,000 AYNRANDCOIN
9f61d2ca wants 1,000 SKYCOIN for 10,000 SHELLCOIN
799c15d2 wants 100,000 LANTIANCOIN for 1,000 SUNCOIN2
f64c327f wants 100,000 LANTIANCOIN for 5,000 SUNCOIN2
501161c0 wants 100,000 LANTIANCOIN for 10,000 SUNCOIN2
a6c9ecc6 paid 10,000 SHIHUCOIN for 4,000 SHELLCOIN
78c4f687 wants 5,000,000 SHPGCOIN for 55,000 SHELLCOIN
1ef9ed66 wants 400,000 SHELLCOIN for 1,000,000 SHIHUCOIN
c8a9454c cancel order
8de8c788 paid 38,281 SHELLCOIN for 2,552,053 SHIHUCOIN
8477047a paid 15,100 SHELLCOIN for 1,000,000 SHIHUCOIN
6fb9af85 wants 1,000,000 SHIHUCOIN for 15,100 SHELLCOIN
84751b1b wants 42,500 SHELLCOIN for 50,000 LIQUORCOIN
957c2c58 cancel order
8bec685e wants 400,000 BRIKCOIN for 100,000 SHELLCOIN
virtual paid 100,000 SHELLCOIN for 400,000 BRIKCOIN
724d051c cancel order
97ed93dd cancel order
653abc77 cancel order
c794369c cancel order
c8ce33d9 cancel order
8cd5a90f cancel order
c5ab2258 cancel order
59900283 cancel order
2c864cfa cancel order
d1cfa2f6 cancel order
5fb37597 cancel order
e20da594 cancel order
ba9bf241 cancel order
095e21c0 wants 1,000,000 SHPGCOIN for 10,000 SHELLCOIN
828c1eab wants 10,000,000 SHIHUCOIN for 150,000 SHELLCOIN
cecfe7e2 wants 100,000,000 YONGBANGCOIN for 11,000 SHELLCOIN
c4843d4f wants 1,000,000 AYNRANDCOIN for 10,000 SHELLCOIN
b1e0db75 cancel order
dd1fc7e1 wants 1,000,000 MZCOIN for 10,000 SHELLCOIN
5bd708d5 cancel order
f1adfeeb wants 1,000,000 AIONIOSLIFECOIN for 10,000 SHELLCOIN
2b06120f cancel order
0a6cc94b wants 10,000,000 SHPGCOIN for 15,000 SHELLCOIN
6ebcfe0a paid 20,000 SHELLCOIN for 1,000,000 SHPGCOIN
11f5610e paid 30,000 SHELLCOIN for 1,000,000 SHPGCOIN
bc5d6862 wants 1,000,000 SHPGCOIN for 30,000 SHELLCOIN
30578102 wants 1,000,000 SHIHUCOIN for 10,000 SHELLCOIN
e1c91f2c paid 50,000 SHELLCOIN for 1,000,000 SHIHUCOIN
2f1ce695 wants 900,000 SHELLCOIN for 300,000 SHCNY
86def62e cancel order
1f8a70e4 cancel order
b5e47a3a cancel order
88fe48f7 cancel order
d1b92d27 wants 450,000 SHELLCOIN for 300,000 SHCNY
d7fb064d cancel order
1d09b932 cancel order
1f7d5ff7 cancel order
ee0b856d wants 1,000,000 MZCOIN for 40,000 SHELLCOIN
27e6cc59 cancel order
404108ec cancel order
4435f43f wants 1,000,000 SHIHUCOIN for 50,000 SHELLCOIN
b381a1e5 cancel order
3f6c3dab cancel order
654a267a cancel order
03604a82 cancel order
32994c22 wants 1,000,000 SUNCOIN2 for 10,000 SHELLCOIN
6d864076 cancel order
a7d198bf wants 1,000,000 SHPGCOIN for 20,000 SHELLCOIN
e507b2d3 cancel order
6ce20a9d cancel order
ae9540f4 cancel order
74e96307 cancel order
943eb9db cancel order
4ccd5916 cancel order
ff979be7 wants 60,000 SHELLCOIN for 100,000 SHPGCOIN
8c4cd89a cancel order
027b7aca cancel order
aaf3d88c wants 60,000 SHELLCOIN for 100,000 SHIHUCOIN
0b23450a wants 70,000 SHELLCOIN for 100,000 SHIHUCOIN
efcd4d44 wants 100,000 SHPGCOIN for 7,000 SHELLCOIN
ed4d3c2b wants 100,000 SHPGCOIN for 6,000 SHELLCOIN
5980f6ee paid 20,000 SHELLCOIN for 200,000 SHPGCOIN
97a5307f wants 200,000 SHPGCOIN for 20,000 SHELLCOIN
5a6336ef wants 200,000 SHPGCOIN for 10,000 SHELLCOIN
65c55bbe paid 21,000 SHELLCOIN for 100,000 SHPGCOIN
c5c632aa paid 22,000 SHELLCOIN for 100,000 SHPGCOIN
a77693d3 wants 70,000 SHELLCOIN for 100,000 SHPGCOIN
e3adcfc7 paid 23,000 SHELLCOIN for 100,000 SHPGCOIN
bb6a6ee1 paid 25,000 SHELLCOIN for 100,000 SHPGCOIN
ac95392d wants 100,000 SHPGCOIN for 25,000 SHELLCOIN
d154ad51 wants 200,000 MZCOIN for 34,000 SHELLCOIN
0553865d wants 200,000 MZCOIN for 32,000 SHELLCOIN
a86e7df0 wants 100,000 SHPGCOIN for 23,000 SHELLCOIN
2e74c162 cancel order
fe887636 cancel order
97f7e819 wants 80,000 SHELLCOIN for 100,000 SHPGCOIN
14a0c675 cancel order
ecd81ea3 wants 80,000 SHELLCOIN for 0.8 SHPGCOIN
559203c8 paid 25,000 SHELLCOIN for 100,000 SHPGCOIN
06555e9d cancel order
eda90d8a cancel order
6ff655a0 wants 80,000 SHELLCOIN for 100,000 SHIHUCOIN
9d6cb62c wants 100,000 SHIHUCOIN for 13,000 SHELLCOIN
3691ebac cancel order
1edabd54 wants 100,000 SHPGCOIN for 25,000 SHELLCOIN
c8f85def wants 180,000 SHELLCOIN for 200,000 SHPGCOIN
7975e987 cancel order
46afba5a wants 100,000 SHELLCOIN for 200,000 SHCNY
c1f45f2c cancel order
44ac9278 cancel order
c2f7c55d wants 118,000 SHELLCOIN for 200,000 SHCNY
dd822876 wants 120,000 SHELLCOIN for 200,000 SHCNY
11110d66 wants 140,000 SHELLCOIN for 200,000 SHCNY
c0e72bfc cancel order
600e75a5 cancel order
49fab8c4 cancel order
7e47e26e wants 160,000 SHELLCOIN for 200,000 SHCNY