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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight8.7 BTS
Lifetime fees paid17,668 BTS
Cashback/vesting44.9 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 8.7
OPEN.BTC 0.001002
FUNC 530
BADCOIN 10,000
DEEX 0.1
ARCOIN 0.025
XBTSX.STH 0.01346
f42d2b65 sent 0.01346 XBTSX.STH to
d2d8fc6c sent 0.00347 OPEN.BTC to
3af31da8 sent 0.1 DEEX to
ba449424 sent 0.00744 OPEN.BTC to
e4f5eeb3 sent 0.0259 OPEN.BTC to
49eac2cd sent 0.0139 OPEN.BTC to
2fef60d6 sent 0.0069 OPEN.BTC to
e565d45c sent 0.0129 OPEN.BTC to
990a0511 sent 0.0259 OPEN.BTC to
5ac8d6e0 sent 0.0003 MAESTROCASH to
a7ff3f56 sent 0.0169 OPEN.BTC to
ea6adc6c sent 0.0109 OPEN.BTC to
b9326f27 sent 0.0109 OPEN.BTC to
f938e39e sent 0.0109 OPEN.BTC to
5fe3b8ea sent 0.0149 OPEN.BTC to
cb5c3df1 sent 1,000 FUNC to
f7ab58a5 sent 1,500 FUNC to
12c81b28 wants 0.000794 OPEN.BTC for 0.1135 OPEN.LTC
virtual paid 0.1135 OPEN.LTC for 0.000794 OPEN.BTC
18600f01 wants 0.00479 OPEN.BTC for 0.53 OPEN.LTC
virtual paid 0.53 OPEN.LTC for 0.00479 OPEN.BTC
208f735f wants 0.0975 OPEN.BTC for 2 OPEN.ETH
virtual paid 0.156 OPEN.ETH for 0.00772 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.00524 OPEN.ETH for 0.0002574 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.0528 OPEN.ETH for 0.00258 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.01056 OPEN.ETH for 0.000515 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 1.056 OPEN.ETH for 0.0515 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.72 OPEN.ETH for 0.0351 OPEN.BTC
2ac4a233 cancel order
8a295de1 wants 0.0997 OPEN.BTC for 2 OPEN.ETH
f5482ed8 sent 0.0567 OPEN.BTC to
73f223e3 wants 0.0792 OPEN.LTC for 0.001616 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.001616 OPEN.BTC for 0.0792 OPEN.LTC
5c51b335 cancel order
2a83dd18 wants 0.867 OPEN.LTC for 0.01766 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.00000001 OPEN.BTC for 0.00000061 OPEN.LTC
virtual paid 0.01766 OPEN.BTC for 0.867 OPEN.LTC
6fb66697 wants 0.01 OPEN.ETH for 0.001138 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.001138 OPEN.BTC for 0.01 OPEN.ETH
6d5b0242 cancel order
f1c1d78f wants 0.01 OPEN.ETH for 0.001134 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.0001138 OPEN.BTC for 0.001003 OPEN.ETH
27b59a59 sent 3,000 FUNC to
1587378c sent 0.1847 OPEN.BTC to
0f7ff1d4 sent 6,000 FUNC to
c79b3a2f sent 1,450 FUNC to
3c7518cf wants 0.01 FUNC for 0.01762 BTS
virtual paid 0.01762 BTS for 0.01 FUNC
7e8334ff wants 0.002 FUNC for 0.00353 BTS
virtual paid 0.00353 BTS for 0.002 FUNC
1b986281 sent 376 FUNC to
fc78d05f sent 5,000 FUNC to
ddd72573 sent 100 FUNC to
47044be5 sent 0.0778 OPEN.BTC to
5c3a82af wants 20 BTS for 0.0002337 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.0002337 OPEN.BTC for 20 BTS
6aa25535 cancel order
8ba0410d wants 20 BTS for 0.0002344 OPEN.BTC
1ba13b37 sent 0.0416 OPEN.BTC to
b992bc98 sent 0.0377 OPEN.BTC to
88ed08d2 sent 0.0583 OPEN.BTC to
ce2f19c7 sent 0.1143 OPEN.BTC to
ef87c36a cancel order
c2620f62 wants 1 FUNC for 8 BTS
117bed2b sent 8,499 FUNC to
f35d6f2b wants 8,671 FUNC for 87,582 BTS
virtual paid 87,582 BTS for 8,671 FUNC
3e5b67a2 wants 32,475 BTS for 0.2243 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.00377 OPEN.BTC for 548 BTS
virtual paid 0.2205 OPEN.BTC for 31,928 BTS
e2fbbc15 paid 0.00378 OPEN.BTC for 548 BTS
16740ad7 paid 0.001221 OPEN.BTC for 177 BTS
e992f8e2 wants 51,301 BTS for 0.354 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.00364 OPEN.BTC for 534 BTS
virtual paid 0.345 OPEN.BTC for 50,047 BTS
a4c12114 wants 1,266 BTS for 0.00863 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.00863 OPEN.BTC for 1,266 BTS
42daa143 wants 1,264 BTS for 0.00861 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.00861 OPEN.BTC for 1,264 BTS
de11191f wants 1,273 BTS for 0.00869 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.00869 OPEN.BTC for 1,273 BTS
fc414ca8 sent 454 FUNC to
bc438f21 sent 0.038 OPEN.BTC to
fa7163e6 sent 190 FUNC to
c03e9e05 wants 27.16 BTS for 3 FUNC
virtual paid 3 FUNC for 27.16 BTS
954822c9 sent 0.01613 OPEN.BTC to
1a4db8b6 sent 1,871 FUNC to
37743d66 wants 7.29 BTS for 0.81 FUNC
virtual paid 0.81 FUNC for 7.29 BTS
fc9523a8 wants 1,687 FUNC for 17,041 BTS
virtual paid 17,041 BTS for 1,687 FUNC
5a56736f cancel order
365c1a73 wants 1,909 FUNC for 19,283 BTS
virtual paid 2,242 BTS for 222 FUNC
222edd44 wants 19,277 BTS for 0.164 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.164 OPEN.BTC for 19,277 BTS
d127d4d3 sent 368 FUNC to
93d934fc wants 9 BTS for 1 FUNC
virtual paid 1 FUNC for 9 BTS
da98c617 wants 377 FUNC for 3,808 BTS
virtual paid 3,808 BTS for 377 FUNC
c1b19de4 wants 3,759 BTS for 214 OBITS
virtual paid 214 OBITS for 3,759 BTS
eb504325 wants 208.5 OBITS for 5,000 BTS
virtual paid 5,000 BTS for 208.5 OBITS
e57fa331 upgrade account
2d85949c wants 6.32 OBITS for 0.00199 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.00199 OPEN.BTC for 6.32 OBITS